组图 苗蔚林:大学数学论文:大学新生经济数学论文( 六 )

2 。借助新媒体
随着时代的进步 , 在线学习逐渐成为一种学习方式 。Theofintoinand opens afor.can, and letuse theto makeand make, andthe task. Theofhas also led to theofin the .cansome data fortoafter class,them to learn.
3 。Read math books
Books onare, but they are veryforto learn . Mathcanortofor math- books on the . For , " ofand", " - Its ,and " and so on.books can' ,their own , and'in .canto tell their ownafterin class, or write a short paper inform.can also read some books andforwith , whichtheandwhile'.
In short,takeas the , takeas the goal, and apply what they haveas the , so as to'in an all-round way.'is one of the, and it is a long-term task.'in a, guideto thinkin the,to ' pre-classand after-class ,towith each other, and use the power ofbooks and other media to'.
组图 苗蔚林:大学数学论文:大学新生经济数学论文
: Shi Bin Unit:andof Gansu
1of theandofinand
In theage where high-techarewith eachday, the: " is antool for theofand , and it is theandof theof". ,plays anrole in. Theandofhave added newto,new , andnew . From apoint of view, in order to'and, it isto. From a macro , pre-hasin manyforand. Itwithandeach other, but it also has anrole thatbeby. First,can'in class,' ,their - ideas,their, and theirto solveand useto solve; ,can helptheto; ,can'in ,theof, andtheofand ; It is also ofto give full play to theofand toandwith. Into the above-forin thefor, there are also four: how totheofin the ,and, theofstaff, and. First of all, how totoin theis the mostone of the four , and it is also the focus of the 'sin the next ; in , as the mainof the: " " is aforsuch as " ", " " and " " are thebasicfor. These are thefor theof. Third,full-timein someandto formteams is also anfund. Thethat it can befrom thethree : First, eachwill have afund for, which can befrom this fund. Part of the ; , theof eacharea willsome funds to each ; ,(or in aform) part of the. These funds areused for:fees forin the , class hour fees for, and - fees. Based on the above , it isandto carry outinandandtoin the'.
of theof
In order toandmoretoin, it isto firsttheofinandand their. I have to admit that since theofinandthe , theofinandhas. There are two main : First, theofhasfrom elite to ; , with theof , most high-havekeyandsuch as 985 or 211, which leads to the highofand . Theofis. Due to the smallof high- ,with theand, it isto learn. Mostwill feelandwhen. There are also a smallofwho have a poorwhen they enter the , and (or thefor) is very low. Somethink thathas nouse, and theirinis . Based on the aboveand somefrom theofand , thelevel of manyislow.todue tomath. At this stage, mostand, so in the basic stage of theyear of the , a largeofwill be ,theto . Thisinto theclass, such as,, and so on. Some of thein the math class wasto , so we had to give up under the trade-off. Due to theof class time, thehas longin name only. This point will beinin the[3]. Someandless and more, butis a, and there is no way to talk about itbasis and . Aor noof somemay have anon 'in the . But eventhat theofhas many , manyandstilla lot ofin the . Most of theinandhave, and their grasp is not solid or firm. This hasfor. So whichareforin? Thethat there are two types ofwho are more . One iswith, solid, and is veryin ; the other iswho areto. These twoofhave a veryto know , so theythe main force toin.
3tothe group of
to the , someandhave given upin theof this . Even theofis very small.ouras an , ourin thefor the first time in 2011. At that time, only one non- majorin the , and the29were also .自主性 。In order totheofin our , ourhasa "-" . So thathave two:and. In order tothe group of, ourhasout workfrom thethree .
As a rule of thumb, theof mathamong(or ) and theofamonghave. In order to getamong the , at the end of theof theyear, theof " " arefor doing a lot ofto their ,to thetheofin the. , totoby means of.
In order tocarry out the, we offer two 40-hour"" and " Basic " (theof these twoare 2 , and theiris a). In this way, we havetheoftime and(of , we can give someon the timeto the). Sincehave totheiryears, theof these twoisto . In , theof thebe asasfor the . If theis too , it will cause mostto lose theirin class, and even come to class just to take the form. Thistheoftoin the . In , it is to use theoftotoin, to train them on the basis of whatcan , and totheof.慢慢提高学生对学习数学信心 , 自主自愿报名参加数学竞赛 。考虑到普通高校的教学内容(无论是专业的还是非专业的)无法满足竞赛的要求 , 而且还有一小部分竞赛内容不在工科教学大纲的范围内 。我校选择了开设《高等数学选修》、《基础数学研修》两门选修课 。《高等数学选修》是为参加数学竞赛预赛的工科类学生准备的;《基础数学研修》是为专业类的本科学生而开设的 。这两门选修课的授课内容严格遵从《中国大学生数学竞赛大纲》的要求 。对提高学生数学素养是有百利而无一害的 。

