【蒙古记忆】《周易》的推理规则主要有哪些( 六 )

“禹”卦三、的第四行是相邻的,虽然是相邻的,但是由于在整个卦体中的地位不同,所以这两行象征着吉凶 。反之亦然 。第三行是阳位的阴线,不在内卦的中间位置,所以符号不对 。姚明,自然要尽量见面 。四尧在“人尧”的上位,象征权势大义 。, the third Yao is like awho is not ,theand , and willit: " Xu Yu, . "Theline of "Yu" is the only yang line in the whole , and theitis the upperof the "" line, awith power, and the three lines below it are all yin lines. Itthethree lines [ Yin Yao] isto obey the four Yao [Yang Yao]. The upperof theYao [Fifth Yao] is the seat of the king, and the Yin Yaothis , whichtheof the king.it is the same as the "", it is not the same as the Yin Yao. , itto the nine-four yang line. Itthe trust of the king's . , the nine-four line says: "You Yu, you have a lot. Do not doubt it,. "
The first line of the "Da Guo""no blame", while the first line of the "Heng"is " and ". The Yin line alsoat theof the , why is the"no blame" and then theWhat about the ""? Theis that theis . In thebody of "Da Guo", the nine- linewith the sixth line of the sixth day; Itthe" sixth" line. In this way, theof the first line in the "Da Guo"is "no blame". Theof the "Heng" 's sixth line in thebody is . "Heng"The upperof the nine- line is the "nine-fifth" yin line, and theyin and yang is close to the . Yaoci said: " is , and there is no . ”
If wetheandof other, we can get the: thelaw is , it is "in ", "", "three " Theof the laws of " Duan" is theofin theof "Book of ".
七、 Yao Law
This is inGua In the case of, due to theoflines, thealsothe rules.
Zhu Xi, ain the Song , made aof a largeof, and based on his own Based on, we haveout anrule forlines:
If the six lines of the, thewill befor, and the innerwill beas , and the outerwill beas .
If the first line , thewill be used tofor it.
Theline will bewith theline of the, and the upper line will still be the main one.
If the three lines , theand the otherwill be , and thewill beas , and the otherwill beas . The two, and thelines are still .
If the five lines , then the samewill.
If the six lines , the "Qian" is used.
, "Kun"for "two ", and the rest of thefor the . ["Yi Xue "]
to theof, there are no more than sevenwhen ais .
The firstis that the six Yaos do not , that is, there is only onebody, and there is no("Zhi Gua" is thebody after thehas been ]. ,to theof this , the use of twoDuan law,theof thethe inner and outertothe good and bad of the . The innerthewho asks the , and the outerthewho asks the . Gua Ci: "Xian, Heng, , take", infer the good and bad of the thing in .to "If the six lines of theare , thewill befor, and the inneris zhen, and the outeris . ”rules, in theof , thethe innerand the outerbeinwith the秒 。
Theis that in theofa , there are Ato form[zhi ]. In this case, the good or bad of theinbeto theof thisin this . Thefrom yang to yin, and thealsofrom "Dayou" to the "Li". "Therules of "Dayou. Sixty-five" in thisare based on the line "Dayou, " tothe ""of the .
The thirdis In theofa , there are twothatand form. In this case, thebe madeto the twolines of thisand the upper onebe the main basis. For , in When theof themeets "Fu", the 二、"" where thelinefrom yin to yang.to "theof theline, theline of theis used as theline, and the upper line is still the main one. "Therulesbe based on the二、 four liang lines of the "Fu" , that is, with the "Xiu Fu, Ji" in "Fu. Sixty-two" as the, theThe good and bad luck of the event.
Theis that in theofa , there are threethatto form a "Zhi ". There are 20in which the three lines . TheYao isthe " ten ", and theof the early Yao isthe "later ten ". In the case of three Yao , theof theand thebe used as the basis for . Among them, thethewho asks the , and theof thetheof thewho asks the ; the tenwhoselinesarebased on the; the tenwhoselinesare based on the . Here are just a few . Anof awhere theline: if themeets "Jie", theline, the third line, and the fifth line areand the"" is . Theis a , and theis the , and theis the . The first ten, and theten. ”rules, the “Jie”thewho asks the , and theword “Heng, Kujie, not ”thewho asks the , which is the main basis forthe ; The other party of thewho asks theis used as a . It can be seen that in the case of theof the three lines, there are manyofused for . This isandto theof the.

