The fifthis that in theofinto a , there are fourthat haveto form a . In this case, theis based on the twoin the . Among them, theYao is in the lower . The main and upperlines are the . For , whenameets the "" , theand 二、五、 are the"Heng" where the four lines .to the "four lines , Then the two, and thelines are still . The main basis for theis the third andlines of theline of the "Heng" . The third line of theline thatin the lower line is theword "do notin its , orits shame. In the sixth case, in theofinto a , five Yaos ,a . In this case, theis based on thein the .the lines. For , when themeets " ", the five yang linesthe "Kun" . "Therule, the basis of theis "Kun. June 4th": ", no blame, no "
Theis that in theofa , the six lines are all , theof .to the "six line , "Dan" and "Kun"for the 'two ', and thefor the . ”rules for . At this time, if the “Kun” of “Qian” is , it will be based on “ a group ofheads, ” in “Qian.”, and the “Qian” of “Kun” will be based on “ Wars”. In the wild, thebasis of its blood isand . If itother , thewords are used as thebasis. For , when themeets the "" , the six lines are allto the"View", thebasis is Thein the "View": " is not , but there is Fu . "
Some of the aboveaboutYao are not found in theof "Zuo Zhuan" and "Guoyu". There is noin theQin books.some Yaoarein the pre-Qinbooks, they are not the same as theby Zhu Xi. It isthat Zhu Xi's rules forYao are based on thein theYin and Zhou . , but it has drawn a lot offrom the study of the Book ofand theof - since the Qin and Han , andup andit based on its own .
Wesee that the sevenrulesabovewith each other. They are , , and often used . It isof this that theof the "Book of "iswithof halo, which isand .
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