一部《西游记》中的哲理思考:横看成岭侧成峰成峰( 六 )

作者对孙悟空形象的塑造,是基于深厚的传统文化,尤其是宗教文化的土壤 。在佛教和道教的术语中,心猿(有时与小说中的白龙马所象征的“意马”)经常被用来描述人类的飘忽不定的思想 。陈元之《泉香西游记》说:“有古记,……其记指孙、桓、心神;马、马,以为意在奔腾 。”它可以无休止地漫游,当然也可以控制 。那么,谁来控制人们的思想呢?答案是:“法”与“禅师”,也就是人心本有的佛性 。作为禅师的化身,唐三藏在《西游记》第十三章与僧人讨论佛教的目的时曾说过:“心生则诸魔生;心生则诸魔 。, all kinds ofare ." The,It is alsothat when Zenthe " Heart Sutra" to the Tang monk, he said: "If youa , butthis sutra, you will be ."that allthat are nottoare. "The devil is not him, it is me, and I haveinto a , andtheis a devil." ( onto the West by) That is to say, when the mind is , all kinds ofare also . In thisof "Ia ", theis not , but in my heart. The " of": "It is the mind thatthe , and the mind is the ." Theof the mind is the devil, and theof the mind is the . A " to the West" is about theof the "heart " when it is notand theto "law" and "Zen" after being , and what Sunis the "human heart" in.性能 。
Into theof life, , , andabove, there are ofmany otherfor us totheofto the West. , due to thespace, we have toit .
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