本文将就幼儿民间游戏的社会性教育价值问题( 六 )

有的孩子学习了“葫芦娃”的故事,画了自己的葫芦娃头,放在图书馆区练习讲故事 。
一个小小的葫芦发挥了巨大的教育价值 。
传统节日本身就有一种中华民族独有的文化 。孩子们应该更好地体验中国传统节日的风土人情,感受中国的节日 。
所以我们的花园利用中国春节、元宵节、清明节、端午节、中秋节、重阳节等传统节日资源,开展不同的主题活动 。
例如,在“过年”主题活动中,让孩子们回忆一下他们过去是怎样过春节的 。春节前,和孩子们一起设计和挂上春联 。贴福字,知道福字会倒贴吗?
给孩子讲“年”的故事,通过不同的活动让孩子体验“春节”的平安 。春节过后,让孩子们回忆一下,春节期间一家人是怎么过节的,他们都做了些什么?
压岁钱是谁给的,他们说了什么祝福等等 。
告诉孩子们压岁钱的由来和意义,让他们知道压岁钱是长辈对晚辈的一种祝福 。是长辈们送给他们的护身符,祝福自己在新的一年身体健康,万事如意,同时也指导孩子们,如何度过我的年货活动 。
孩子们在活动中认识了人民币,学会了合理消费,学会了爱与珍惜 。
在课堂上开展亲子包粽子活动 。之前,孩子们在逛超市时了解了制作粽子需要哪些材料,以及有哪些口味的粽子 。
toand buysuch as palm , rice, dates, etc. with the help of their , and use theof the art area to guideto learn how to make ricewith paper,the steps andofrice , and what to payto whenrice.
When, theare more . They makeofand ask the aunt in theto help them cook them. Theshare themade by .他们很开心 。Thetheir hands-onand . At the same time, they have a deepof the folkandin the , and the 'sandarein the .
(3)Feel the charm of art andfor
folkhas a long ,,,, and, whichtheof the new .
Wetheofand ,'s needs,andfolkinand ,'s ,'sand life, and feel the charm of folk .
As anfolk art, paper- has a long .tools and low-costcan be seenand can be made .
In order to let thethe folk art of paper-, wetheof thein the class. She is very good at paper-.
The paper-cutin the classthe 's great .
, thebegan tothe paper- :
Weandtopaper-cut art works such as, happy , shoe ,, etc., so thatcan know theforms of folk paper-, and letenjoy and.
In order totheof , not only that, we alsowallto the in-depth paper-cut , "the paper-cuts I ", "what are theof the paper-cuts", "why are they cut?
"...and so on,-, paper- hasa freefrom the child's heart.
paper- , we cut out, small , , andthe doors andof . ,can also cut outto theof the .
For , afterthe,were asked towhat theyin the way they liked. , manyused the paper-cutof their . Some cut out theoftheflag, some cut outto, and some cut outthat thewill play, skip rope, etc. The works cut out by thetheandof the . Hope, more cut out their .
, thefound that thein thewere veryto paper-cuts, so they askedthey could make their own paper-cuts into?
Thewas happy with the 's , so hetheto use the paper-cut works to makeand.
Theaboutand someandthe . Their hands-on ,, andhave beento.
are morein paper- . Thecut out their ownintothat can move, andin thearea.
Theare very . Every time there is anin the area, thein the art area ask thein thearea what story they are going to tell next time. Somein the art area cut out thein the story and make. Send it to thearea forto use.
Ittheof 'sand.
Paper-cut art isandto 's life and games, full of, and at the same time let us see the charm offolk art!
四、 folkand -upinto the .
In the past year of, we havemore and more aware of the role of folkintheof young . It can be said that folkhaveanpart of our -based .

