本文将就幼儿民间游戏的社会性教育价值问题( 七 )

In order to fully tap theofon young , wefrom the ,from the , andwith aand space in the , so that folkcan exert theirvalue andHappyof .
, in , somestill arise:
For , whena folk, theis too broad and not .
haveof some folk, andfor 'sand .
Whenfolkinto their , theytheof other .
So, in, we have more in-depth :
The real role offolkin thebe,offolkinto the ,a newto the folk.
In the , theof somebewith real life and folk , so that theof otherand theof folkbein a, so that thecan trulya life-, ,.
It is alsotothat the folkis not the whole of the, but only a part of the. It isto the whole and part of the. Theof otherbe based on otherandinto theof folk .
[3]Folkis not the end of an , nor is it aday in.
'sisand , and it is anfull of .
So in theoffolkinto the , we mustwith "heart",with "", andwith "", so that folkcan enter , and let folkcome fromwill beand , so thatcanthe charm offolk .
See :
1、" for"
2、Jin , "and", " on", Issue 3, 2007
folkin 's
" for(Trial)" :
“We must make full use ofand leadtotheandof the ’s .
"Theuse of folktofolkinto earlyis of greatto's .
a rich folkto'sinWe focus ontheto theof each class. On the roof of the , the walls are made of brickwithand texts, and the redreads "Theis , and the year is more than ".
hang on the walls, and redandcorn hang on the small fence of the .
the class door, the big words "Folk " arewith a brush, which is very eye-.
On the blue batik cloth, there are three-and soup .
Onfound by the , there are paper-cuts ,the big red "hi"cut by the , as well as the groupand smallcut by the .
A woven paperhangs from blue tulle.
The whole venuea localand iswith afolk .
folkinto the themeandfolk . Whenout the themeof "I love my home", "I love my " and "I love my ", the park fullylocalandandThere arewall ,the local , , local ,andofspots in theof , and 'sand.
在大幅中国地图上,放置了我国的传统民俗故事、56个少数民族、名胜古迹、中国的国粹——京剧脸谱、戏服等等图片 。
以民俗传统节日活动为线索,将节日来历、民俗娱乐活动等渗透于主题活动中,生成了诸如“嫦娥奔月”、“中秋月饼制作”、“喜庆的年”、“年的故事”等活动 。
每到节日,幼儿园挂上孩子们制作的红红中国结、串串鞭炮、大大的红灯笼,整个园内洋溢着中国人特有的喜气 。
在区域活动中,让孩子们亲自触摸民俗文化我们根据孩子们的年龄特点和发展需要,在班级活动区、生活区、手工坊、农家乐、表演区等区域中,选择设置了一些有当地民俗特色和民间工艺的活动内容 。
草艺、粽艺、面艺、编织艺、脸谱制作、小小皮影戏、五谷画等等,给了孩子们触摸民俗文化的机会 。
渔网、稻草、芦花、粽叶、玉米皮、种子、叶子等,我们根据不同的民俗,投放不同的材料,使幼儿更多地接触生活,促进全面发展 。
民间艺术资源在幼儿园的开发与利用》的课题实践,在民间资源中首先应挖掘的就是金州本地区资源,金州可以说是一座历史悠久的古城,自古物阜民丰,人杰地灵,具有深厚的民间文化底蕴 。
依托古城金州独特的地理环境资源和民间文化资源,赋予我们特殊的使命,传承发扬古城文化,全面提高幼儿的素质 。
而在实践中教师了解的古城文化甚少,为了帮助全体教师进一步了解金州民俗文化,2007年4月20日我园邀请到金州区文化馆戏剧创作部主任、国家一级导演张柯老师给全体教师上了《漫谈金州民族文化》一课 。
张柯老师从金州历史文化发展演变、民间文化的种类、特点,进行了幽默的讲解,最后提出抢救民间文化从娃娃开始刻不容缓 。

