In the early 18th , the legalDu Demei (1668-1720 AD)theof the threebyand . Later, the study ofandantopic for. Ming Antu (late 17thto 1760s), Dong(1791-1823), Xiang(1789-1850), Dai Xu (1805-1860), etc. all made. Li(AD 1811-1882) madein the study ofandin his "Fang and Yuan", "Arc and Arrowthe ", and "the " (AD 1845). Theheto,intowithideas. Li ,name Uncle Ren, no. , was born in , . He was fond ofat an early age, andat the age of 30.
In 1840,usedto open the door of the Qing 'sand self-, andwasin largeon anscale. In 1852, Liwent toand co- many, such as the last nineof "Theof ", the 13of " ", and the 18of "Dai " with(1815-1887 AD). Theis the firstofin China. Later, Hua(1833-1902) and theFryerbooks such as " ", "Theof ", "", " of", thebeing the first book in China.. Many of the terms theyare still in use today. Lialsoand , and hasa lot. Four kinds such as "Theof" are about the study of conic , " " and so on are about the study of power , and "Ratio Class"theorderon the basis of Zhu, and theLiis . In 1872, he wrote "TheofRoots",'sandthe rule forprime . His works areas "Zegu Xi Zhai ",14 kinds ofworks. Liwas the firstto carry out. , in , at the end of the Qing , thewas , and thewas in . Those who wereindid not have thetowith, and it wastoa largeof.of thein China, I do not seek.,after theand the New, thewas, andwasinto a.
was once very ,some books have been lost. But theworks still make us sigh at theof. The 20this theof theof, and it isthat China willitsas apower in the next .
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