中国古代数学的发展分为五个时期,你知道吗?( 五 )

十二、十三世纪,北方出现了很多天元书的作品,大部分都失传了 。最早流传下来的以天元术为主要方法的作品是李烨的《量圆海镜》十二卷(公元1248年)和三卷《一古言段》(公元1259年) 。李烨(公元1192-1279),字任卿,别号景斋,栾城(今河北省)镇定人,大兴(今北京)人 。他的父亲是一位清正廉洁的官员 。李烨从小受过良好的教育,热爱数学 。年少时成为中原著名学者 。进入元朝后,他隐居在辛郭(guo Guo)一带(今山西省北部),在极其艰苦的条件下学习数学和各种研究 。他一生写了很多文史,只有《景斋古今》 。《量海镜》在东元九容的基础上,考虑了毕达哥拉斯形与圆的10个基本关系 。长问题,答案当然是一样的 。这些问题大部分都需要使用天元书来列出方程 。第一卷是全书的理论基础,包括循环城市图式、标识杂记等部分 。用天、地、干、坤等汉字来表示圆城图式中的点,是一项创举 。辨认杂记共提出692个公式,除8个外均正确 。《一古言段》第64题,这是一部运用天元法解译姜舟(可能是北宋)《易古集》中的方程式的作品 。其中,保存了《易古集》的若干题名和旧技(法) 。
朱世杰有两部重要著作《数学启蒙》(公元1299年)和《思源玉镜》(公元1303年)传世 。朱世杰,字汉卿,号松亭,燕山(今北京)人,生平不详 。13世纪末,他以著名数学家的身份周游全国20多年,许多人向他学习数学 。" of " has 20and 259 ,allofat that time, fromandand itstoand,, etc.,a. " " has 24and 288 . The front of thegives four kinds of five ,theseven-(), as well as , , , andAnof ato the . Theof theto solve theof-order , theof -order, and theof -orderis theof this book. This book is thelevel ofwork inChina.
Yang Hui, Zhuandandtheand, which led to the birth ofand(about theof the Yuan ), andtheoftools andin China. In theand late Yuan , thereDing Ju's , Jia Heng'sof , He 'sand other works ontheand.
After theof the Yuan ,, andworks at the end of the Yuanonlytheand.theof the Ming(1403-1425 AD), the " " was , and theworks wereandto their ,,and , and . Most of theworks of the Han, Tang, Song and Yuanwere lost in the Ming .
The eight-in the Mingwere, andpaidto . Guand Tangwerein the Ming , and they didn'tandat all. In the first year of(AD 1450), Wu Jing wrote tenof "NineofBi Lei ",of past , and alsotheofandand theof . After the Yuan and Ming , with theof the, thewasand , and aof books onin the Ming . Its mostis Cheng Dawei's " " (AD 1592), 17 , 595 . This book meets the needs of, usesas the maintool, and. In the next 二、300 years, this book has beenandmany times, and it is rare for it to. Cheng Dawei,name Rusi, No. Qubin,of(now Tunxi ,City), once didin theand lowerof theRiver.
At the end of the 16th ,such asRicci came to China toworks such as theofwith Xu . Later,such asand . Since then,has begun the stage ofChina and the West.the more than 260 years of the Qing , he leftmanyworks, all of whichandto.
Mei(1633-1721 AD) ofin the Qingto the study ofandand wrote many works. He wrote 13 kinds of 40 ,ofat that time, and had a greatonin the Qing .
was fond of , and hethe 53of "Theof "by Mei , He , Ming Antu, Chen , etc., whichandtheat that time. . The upper partof five ,theof , , and ; the lower part, foruse,of 40 ,and , as well asand, with 4 types of 8 , also had a hugeon theof the Qing . This book wasin the first year of(1723 AD).
In 1723,came to the ,that thewere notto his rule, he drove allto Macaufor a few whoin . After that, theofcame to an end. On the one hand,thethat had been, and on the other hand, they were busyoutworks.
In 1773,tothe " of the Siku", and Dai Zhen (1724-1777 AD)"Zhou Bi's ", "Nineof " and "Sea " from the " Grand " Theof the Han and Tang , theof Sun Tzu, the Five Cao , the Fiveof , and the fakeof theYang , etc., were also . Long-lost Song and YuanBooks such as " the Round Sea " and " " were alsoorone after , which set off anin the study ofthe Qian-Jia(1736-1820 AD). Theofbooks areby Li Huang (?-AD 1812) "NineonFine " and Luo(AD 1789-1853) "". Theis based on Jiao Xun (1763-1820 AD) " ", Wang Lai (1768-1813 AD) " ", Li Rui (1768-1817 AD) "Li " HisNote is the most .

