风水是中国独树一帜的文化现象,如果说世界风水在中国( 六 )

Xijin Gate,Geng Xiang ,Fire Cave.
North Gate, (Liu Bowen) Si Shan Hai Xiang Jian Bing Ren,Yisi Fire Cave.
,and ,point Wuwu Fire Point (now).
The above-are all setto Yang 's "Qing Nang Ao Yu" " down,down" and ", oneand onehave", all those built by Lutothe city ,for Yang,. The rest builtthe early Qingwere all built by theof Yang . This is one of thethatfeng shuifrom .
Yang Gong's feng shui has a long way to go
Feng shui is theofand the basicof. If you don't know feng shui, yougrasp. If you don't start from theto studyfeng shui, you will get twice thewith half theor even come back in vain. Theoffeng shui is in , Yang Gong Feng shui is anrich and, which needs to beand.
【风水是中国独树一帜的文化现象,如果说世界风水在中国】 Yang Gong Feng Shui needs to keep pace with the times on the basis ofandout Yang Gong Feng Shui's ins and outs, usingFeng Shui. , Feng Shui can not only rely on, but also need toand. Only astudy of Feng Shuican lead to truly. Based on this,Yang Gong Feng Shui has a long way to go. , Feng Shuiisfrom the ivory tower to the . The first issue of "China. Feng Shui Album" in 2006, with thetheme of "Feng Shui, theof's heart",tothe true face and value of Feng Shui from, anda lot oftheofcases. Thewith theand theand the rapidofare of great .

