风水是中国独树一帜的文化现象,如果说世界风水在中国( 五 )

赣州阳宫风水发展到1980年代 。可以说星光闪烁,但有一颗璀璨的星,那就是李鼎新先生 。笔者曾多次采访李定新 。从他现在的风水造诣和表现来看,可以说是很成功了,但到了八五岁的时候,他依然孜孜不倦地求学,带着弟子到野外考察风水 。从他从事风水研究的经历来看,不难发现振兴和弘扬郭扬风水术是一种责任感,驱使他坐在孤独的板凳上,梳理郭扬的风水理论 。历史文献,并在国内外调查和实践风水 。指南针的操作方法是标准化的 。
随着风水热的兴起,国内外风水研究人员纷纷来到赣州寻找从事风水活动的杨公及其后代遗骸 。这里有几个重点要介绍:
一、羊仙岭 羊仙岭位于赣州市章贡区沙河乡东北部 。西北紧邻贡江,沿江而行;海拔412米,面积约2平方公里 。山上长满灌木,山峰多岩石 。登上山顶,甘县全景尽收眼底 。风水大师杨俊松(名仙救贫,俗称“杨仙”)曾在此修行,故名“杨仙灵” 。
一些风水学研究者认为,杨宪岭是杨俊松传授弟子教学艺术、阐释风水学派风水理论的地方 。阳贤寺建在山顶,后来被毁 。只能看到废墟 。还有信徒去烧香拜拜 。
二、杨公八据清道光《宁都直隶州志》二十六卷“方济志”记载,杨俊松葬于玉都寒心峡瑶口坝, “在他死后 。这个地方叫“羊宫坝” 。羊宫坝位于首都梅江东岸的沙滩上,属于都县关田乡,现为行政村 。关于杨军松的死,《陵水志林》 ” 清代兴国县志中称他被卢广仇毒死 。但明万历二十年的《宁都县志》记载:“(阳)为卢广仇帝,道豫都汉心峡,谁病逝,命弟子曾文一等人葬于瑶瑶 。寇坝今称杨公坝 。”同治《玉都县志》第十六卷“轶事”亦载:“杨俊松卒于彝族瑶口,弟子曾文仪葬于坝上铲 。因为叫杨公坝,想找它的坟墓的人是找不到的 。”两本书都没有提到杨俊松的死与卢广仇有关,而是病死的,到底是对是错,还是很难 。求证,故存疑 。明明是杨俊松死在瑶口坝,被他的高徒曾文义当场安葬,改名瑶口坝杨公坝 。
因为杨俊松是风水的创始人,所以在赣南地区影响深远 。his tomb is hard to find, he has left somethat laterwill payto. For , in 's "Yudu" in the Qing ,12, "The " : "The tomb of Yang , theof the , is 80 milesof the . Table." This Wanli stele wasby thein 1992. The Yudualsoa stonefrom the Qing . Thewasby theRiver in, Chexi ,the river from .there are manyin the , it can still bethat theidea is: in theyear ofin the Qing , two, Duanand Wu , came to payto theYang , andto thetohisandhis wish.
三.Theandofin theurban area wasby Yang Gong.
TheofCity is, which(now ) to, andtoas the 'sClock. Thein the lowerof theof theandis the mouth of thein the urban area of ??, and theisto be the Renzi Fire .
(nowPark), Futai ( an oldstore in the area),( local ),(now the),(in today's 's park)At noon, sit in the Shuzi fire pit. Wei,,Fire Cave,"Yiwu Lu",Fire Cave. Theof the newlycity hasandFire Cave in the west,andFire Cave in the east, and nowRoad andGate areandandFire Cave.
2、 Feng Shui (inCity)
The main hall of :isXunsi,on Yihai
The main hall of :has been ,in the small empty space of
The main hall of the:, Xunsi Xiang, Yihai Dingdied
The main hall of:has been ,in the
The gate of:Xiang,in the small empty space of(due to theof the main hall)
The main gate of( to thegate, not thegate) and the main hall:isXunsi,on Yihai
,known as , theis. Wailiand Gui,in the earth cave of .
, Liziisthe noon,on the Wuzi Fire Cave.
South Gate,South Gate, and the(from 1931 to 1932, when Liwasin , the South Gate wastoGate, and thewasRoad). Xiang,in the Chou Fire Point,the Chouand Gui,in the Chou Earth Point,the,in the Wuzi Fire Point, theroad gate Liu Bowen (?-1375) In order tothefire, it wason the wall. A bigis built.

