CBN丨China's digital currency surpasses 100b yuan in transaction

Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.
大家好,我是主持人李莹亮 。
Coming up on today’s program.
Transactions using China's digital yuan surpassed 100 billion yuan as of Aug. 31;
Shanghai will promote innovative fields and cultivate a group of talents with global influence in forward-looking areas.
Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours
Spending with China's digital yuan surpassed 100 billion yuan as of the end of August, the central bank said on Wednesday, as the country continues its roll-out of a central bank digital currency.
The spending involved 360 million transactions in pilot areas in 15 provinces and municipalities, the People's Bank of China (PBOC) said, adding that more than 5.6 million merchants could now accept payments with the digital currency.
Pilot regions offered nearly 30 rounds of e-CNY subsidies in 2022 to stimulate consumption, fight the pandemic and promote low-carbon transport.
The central bank also took part in the cross-border multiple Central Bank Digital Currency (mCBDC) Bridge trial developed by the Bank of International Settlements, which has successfully completed its first real-trade pilot test based on four national or regional central bank digital currencies from August 15 to September 23. It also conducted tests to connect with Hong Kong's local digital payment system.
China is at the fore of a global race to develop central bank digital currencies, and has carried out a series of studies since 2014. The e-CNY has so far been used mainly for domestic retail payments, but will be promoted for use in corporate and personal business, as well as in finance, taxation, and government affairs, the central bank said.
It also vowed to connect the e-CNY system with the traditional digital payment system, dominated by Alibaba Group's Alipay and Tencent Holding's WeChat Pay, to make it more convenient for consumers and merchants.
While promoting the pilot RD and application of the digital yuan, the central bank has strengthened the protection of personal information, while preventing crime risks.
数字人民币交易额突破千亿元 。
中国人民银行数字货币研究所12日发布的数据显示,数字人民币在批发零售、餐饮文旅、教育医疗、公共服务等领域已形成一大批涵盖线上线下、可复制可推广的应用模式 。截至8月31日,15个省(市)的试点地区累计交易笔数3.6亿笔、金额1000.4亿元,支持数字人民币的商户门店数量超过560万个 。
截至目前,人民银行先后选择15个省(市)的部分地区开展数字人民币试点,并综合评估确定了10家指定运营机构 。数字人民币双层运营架构等顶层设计已通过全方位测试,其可行性和可靠性得到有效验证 。
在产品供给方面,通过“数字人民币”APP,便捷提供兑换、支付、钱包管理等服务,支持线上线下全场景数字人民币应用 。推出多种形态的硬件钱包,探索软硬融合的产品能力,并针对“无网”“无电”等极端场景,研发相应的功能 。发挥数字人民币高效率、低成本等优势,推出差异化对公支付结算方案,服务实体经济发展 。
作为数字形式的法定货币,数字人民币在建立支撑智能合约应用的生态方面有信任优势、互通优势和后发优势,有利于提升交易透明度和资金管理的智能化水平,降低结算和合规成本 。目前,数字人民币智能合约已经在政府补贴、零售营销、预付资金管理等领域成功应用 。
不久前,央行数研所参与的多边央行数字货币桥平台首次成功完成基于4个地区央行数字货币的真实交易试点测试,在国际交流合作方面迈出重要一步 。一是积极参与国际清算银行倡导的多边央行数字货币桥项目,二是启动内地与香港跨境支付技术测试,探索数字人民币系统与香港本地“转数快”快速支付系统的互联互通 。

