央行数研所表示,下一步,将继续推动数字人民币业务持续健康发展 。进一步完善数字人民币相关法律法规和行业配套政策,夯实数字人民币法治基础,巩固数字人民币法偿性地位 。遵循“小额匿名、大额依法可溯”的原则,充分保障公众合理的个人信息保护需求;支持为中小微企业提供便利化的资金管理、薪资发放、进销存等服务;实现数字人民币体系与传统电子支付工具的互联互通,让消费者可以“一码通扫” 。
Moving on to regional highlights
Shanghai has issued a plan to accelerate the development of transformative industries including high-end manufacturing, energy, and healthcare. The related output value should reach about 500 billion yuan. By 2030, Shanghai will build five future industry clusters and about 15 future industry pilot areas, develop about 100 core components, launch about 100 high-end products, and form about 100 Chinese industry standards, according to the document. 上海打造未来产业集群:10月12日消息,上海市人民政府近日印发《上海打造未来产业创新高地 发展壮大未来产业集群行动方案》,目标到到2030年,在未来健康、未来智能、未来能源、未来空间、未来材料等领域涌现一批具有世界影响力的硬核成果、创新企业和领军人才,未来产业产值达到5000亿元左右 。根据《行动方案》,到2030年,打造5个未来产业集群,建设15个左右未来产业先导区,攻关100个左右核心部件,推出100件左右高端产品,形成100项左右中国标准,促进产业集聚引领发展 。
The Harbin-Tieli phase of China's northernmost high-speed railway operating between Harbin and Yichun in northeastern Heilongjiang Province has formally begun construction on Wednesday. Spanning a total length of 318 kilometres with a designed speed of 250 kilometres per hour, which is scheduled to be completed in five years, the Harbin-Yichun high-speed railway is an extension of the Beijing-Harbin Railway and Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Railway channels. 哈伊高铁全线开工:10月12日,哈尔滨至伊春高铁(哈伊高铁)哈尔滨至铁力段首个工点进场施工,标志着我国在建最北端高铁哈伊高铁全线开工建设 。哈伊高铁是我国“八纵八横”高铁网京哈—京港澳通道的延长线,起自黑龙江省哈尔滨市,途经绥化市,终至伊春市,正线全长318公里,设计时速250公里,建设工期5年 。
Next on industry and company news
China’s individual industrial and commercial households reached 109 million by the end of August, 2.7 times that of 2012, data released by the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) showed on Thursday, which grew with an average annual rate of 10.9 percent. The number of individual businesses related to “New Economy increased 12.7 percent in the past decade to reach 32.2 million as of August 31. 十年来个体工商户年均增10.9%:市场监管总局13日发布数据显示,截至2022年8月底,全国登记在册个体工商户已达1.09亿户,是2012年的2.7倍,十年来年均增长10.9% 。与1980年改革开放之初相比,当时我国个体工商户数量不到1万户,占市场主体比重不足1% 。截至今年8月底,“四新经济”个体工商户共计3222.1万户,占登记在册个体工商户总量的29.4%,较2012年提升了12.7个百分点 。
Chinese gold miner Zijin Mining Group is paying 3.9 billion yuan for a 30 percent stake in the owner of China’s biggest gold mine. Zijin will become the second-biggest shareholder in Shandong Ruiyin Mining Industry after the purchase, the Fujian province-based company said Wednesday. The Haiyu Gold Mine is the biggest single gold mine to be discovered in China in recent years, with 562 tons in gold reserves. 紫金矿业40亿入股国内最大单体金矿:10月12日晚间,福建省最大贵金属企业紫金矿业集团股份有限公司公告称,与山东博文矿业有限公司签署《股权转让协议》,公司出资人民币39.845亿元,收购博文矿业持有的瑞银矿业的30%股权 。海域金矿位于山东省莱州市北部,是中国最大的单体金矿 。
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