CBN丨China's digital currency surpasses 100b yuan in transaction( 四 )

Guotai Junan Securities has been given the green light to take 51 percent stake in Hua An Fund Management, making it the first Chinese securities firm to operate two licensed public fund managers. Guotai Junan is purchasing an 8 percent stake in Hua An from Shanghai Industrial Investment for $1 billion, the leading Chinese brokerage said Tuesday. 国泰君安拿下华安控股权:10月11日晚间,国泰君安披露对华安基金的增持进展,证监会已经核准上海国际集团成为华安基金实际控制人,对国泰君安受让华安基金1200万元出资(占注册资本比例8%)无异议 。按照计划,国泰君安将以不超过10.12亿元价格受让华安基金8%股权,交易完成后,公司将持有华安基金51%股权,达到控股目的,成为“公募新规”后业内首家“一控一牌”券商,即控股一家公募基金管理公司且资管子公司具有公募基金管理业务资格 。
Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market
Chinese shares traded in a tight range on Thursday while Hong Kong shares extended losses, as risk-off sentiment prevailed ahead of US inflation data. The benchmark Shanghai Composite slid 0.3 percent and the Shenzhen Component ended down 0.19 percent. In Hong Kong, the Hang Seng fell 1.87 percent, while the TECH index dropped 3.42 percent. A股窄幅震荡港股跌幅扩大:周四A股三大指数全天小幅震荡,涨跌互现 。截至收盘,沪指跌0.3%,深成指跌0.19%,创业板指涨0.32% 。港股跌幅进一步扩大,恒生指数收跌1.87%%,恒生科技指数收跌3.42% 。
Biz Word of the Day
The public offering fund is a traditional asset management method of the general public that allows small investments mainly in securities, and is suitable for pursuing medium-risk and mid-return, as the funds are under the strict supervision of the law, with information disclosure, profit distribution, operation restrictions and other industry norms. 公募基金是指以公开方式向社会公众投资者募集资金并以证券为主要投资对象的证券投资基金 。公募基金是以大众传播手段招募,发起人集合公众资金设立投资基金,进行证券投资 。这些基金在法律的严格监管下,有着信息披露,利润分配,运行限制等行业规范 。
Executive Editor: Sonia YU
Editor: LI Yanxia
Host: Stephanie LI
Writer: Stephanie LI
Sound Editor: Stephanie LI
Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni
Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.
Presented by SFC
编委: 于晓娜
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