1 一 潮汕文化专题研究目录(图)( 六 )

Out of the : aadultin thearea.with 15-year-old boys and girlsthreefor theiron theon theday of thelunar month and theon theday of thelunar month or onday. When you walk out of the , you are nothewho play in theall day long. , in theof, each place has its own . "Book":forinArea. On the day of ,four ,green onion, , , and leek, as well as pork liver and fish with "wood", and cook themfor thewho areto eat. Whenthe , you must bring gifts to. Thefirst sets up a godin theof the , and"Theof , the most holyof ". Afterthe , you will first, and then give theto Mr. () ),as., , hashad theof " thebya lamp pole".to , thiswasinof Jiang's , Jiang Wanli, ain . :will go to theand call it "Douxu", (here, "dou" means "", such as "" to join in the fun), and theisaor a. Intothetime, there are alsoand. Tabooin : Forin , evenare, and oddare taboo. Pairs and pairs, four are two pairs, eight are two pairs, the fourand fourare more ,is aof, and it means peace all year round. The most taboo is seven,on theday after the death of,have tothis .
The list goes on and on. 3. Among theandin , the most ,andis "Ying Laoye" (Note: Ying is aword, in the"Ying Laoye" , whichtheof '' ("Han Shu Yan Zhu") and 'Yu Yu' ("Wen Xuan Xue Zhu").Ying is a kind of. It is held in the . The young and -agedin thewill carry a large sedan chair and carry thetoon the roads andof the . The hand (raise the sign), the , and the .in the first month of the lunarevery year, it isout in turns in oneand onein one town every day. Pray for goodthis year and peace for the whole . Ying Da Ye wasfrom theof the uncle in the . It wasafor theof the gods of the rural . Later, due to theof aform ofthe, otherwere added. There are many greatfrom all over . Among them, there are gods whothecourt , such as , Guan Ye, Mazu, etc.; there are gods ofand , such as,God, Lu Zu, etc.; more are thegodsandby the , such as King of , King of Anji,, Lord , Lord , Lord ,Pearl, etc. Into thecamp,andalsosuch asgods,gods, andfor rain. 4.OtherThere are many otherin , such as,,, etc. Eachalso has its ownorof, which are rich inand will not befor the time being. (五),andare the mostof. With theofin the,andinto the local .hasanforgroup . .
1 一 潮汕文化专题研究目录(图)
Theis anlinkthe tideall over the world andthe power of the tide .(),and, is a sub- of the Min, one of the eight majorof. It is one of theand mostin thetoday.and , rich in ,in ,manyandwords, and has a vivid and, which is veryfrom other . In the long river of , manyand works of art withas thehave been born in thearea. 1.is the mostrapin , whichfrom Tanci. Theisin. There are songs and . , the songs areof seven- , fourare, and the rhyme isas a unit. It waswhen thegrew from the bud to the , theclassto grow, and there was anneed forlife. Itsvalue andtaste werein theof, , and class . In the past, it wasamongwomen, but now fewer and fewersing . 2.Folkfolkin the form of oral folk tales, and there are a largeof them, with alocalandlocal color. There are manyabout, which have highandvalue andvalueValue. , it isall over the world, and it istoandthe work toit from being lost. Among them, the moreones are "Theof Mrs. ", " Ducks andPeach", "Dream Melon" and so on. 3.daily life and,and ,and ,anin the lives of ,,taste, and daily .way.
Theand form oflove songs, life songs, funny songs,songs,songs, 's songs, andsongs.works"Drum , Ding Dong", "Ain the Sky", and "" 4.folkfolkareand short , most of them arein, with, . In terms of ,are rich,areand , and folkoffor a large . (六)QuyiQuyiisin the land of , with theofthe life of the. The voice andhave a, and arewith the life of the. It is aborn on the land of . The mostoffolk art arein the threeofopera,music andsong and dance.1. operaopera is one of the top ten operain China and one of the three major operain . , is well-known at home andfor itsmusic andforms, which areintowith local .opera is anofand anlink tothethe world.opera is Aof theOpera in the Song and Yuan , it hasfrom theOpera in the Song and Yuan . It is andrama with aof more than 440 years. Ittheof , Kunqu,and , andlocal folk art.,music,,, etc., andits ownart form and style. Theofopera isto theand their. It isand paysto theof small, ,and.

