风水堂:《易经》整部书籍的作用( 六 )

虽然人们喜欢吃饱,但他们不喜欢水吃得太饱 。满了就会溢出 。人们虽然喜欢满月,但不喜欢太满 。如果太满,就会变得不完整 。人虽喜春花秋果,却不喜春花秋果 。所以,大部分人都想满腹水,却无法阻止水的不满足 。
如果月圆,万事兴旺,就不可能阻止满溢,满不饱 。而转亏,盛衰的必然规律,是人生不同阶段的能量状态 。天道如此,世间法则如此,人生历程如此 。
长盛不衰,长盛不衰,是人之常情 。美好的愿景和理想,但这世间的一切,人与人之间的关系等等,又怎能不受世间法则的束缚 。法律在变,那法律中的一切怎么可能一成不变呢?
此时,似乎同时也出现了一个问题:“变化规律”本身是不变的,能一以贯之的就是天道 。更重要的是,对于人来说,当人选择走天道的时候,他们似乎是在走向那不变的永恒:在千变万化中,能够选择坚守天道的,是人心 。人事 。在一个处处变化的世界里,他需要智慧和坚定,需要做出自己的选择 。
中庸之道,就是从实际出发周易白虎,调整心态,减少过多或不足 。Theofon the real ,life and,andinner .
Such as: "In , you must study hard, and you must work hardto break. To the layer ofpaper that has, , "less than" willnot have a good . Inwith, you must firstthe ,andof human . After you know it, younot , blame , ortoss to proveorbyeach other, butthat you area . , is also given by the .
The Book ofis aof Yi- ideasfrom theand , such asup at theanddown at theto form Heluo, Yin-Yang, Five ,Tian Bagua, and Sixty-Four . , ,andform a whole set of. Itsisused in theofthe ,the army, war, ,, , Feng Shui, ,and .
Somecall it anbook, and somescold it for nobasis or -loop logic. Just like in the 64of the Book of , eachisand ,and ,and ,but . , old and new, etc.
When we laterthe Book of , we are notto argue withit isandit has value and , but we canuse all kinds ofas tools for our own use.the finalofto your own hands. Think , do not raise the bar, the bar is your right.

