中国古代数学的萌芽末期私有制和货物交换产生以后( 六 )

清朝康熙帝非常重视西方科学 。除了学习天文学和数学,他还培养了一些人才,翻译了一些作品 。
1712年,康熙帝命梅玉成任勐羊斋编纂官,与陈厚尧、何国宗、明安图、杨道生等合编天文算法书 。
1721年,1723年完成了100卷《法律的起源》,并以康熙《玉定》的名义出版 。
几何平面三角、立体几何等初等数学,附有素数、对数和三角函数表 。因为是比较全面的小学
数学百科全书,康熙名“玉定”,对当时的数学研究有一定影响 。
从上面可以看出,清代数学家在西方数学上做了大量工作,取得了许多独创性的成果 。这些结果
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After 'sto the , heto theworld, which led to theof theofinto China and theof a high-at home, whichto
Being able to get in touch with, but nottoabout the study of the , so hein the study ofbooks.the Qian and Jia years, abased on
With theandof "Ten Books of " andworks of Song and Yuan , there has been aofon. It can breakthe old ones
【中国古代数学的萌芽末期私有制和货物交换产生以后】There are Jiao Xun, Wang Lai, Li Rui, Li , etc. who frame the frame and have . Their work iswith thein the Song and Yuan .
It isthan blue;with, it is alater in time, but thesearetheof
Get it right away.
At the same time as theof, Ruan Yuan and Li Ruiaof-" ", whichfrom
More than 270andfrom thetofour years ( less than 50worksdown), and thesince the end of Ming
41ofand . This work is made up of "books,group books, andthem", and theisthe first
Theof the hand is quitein .
After the Opium War in 1840,began to beinto China. First, theset up Mohaiinto
.After theOpium War,such as Zengand Liout the " ", and alsoand,
The moreones are " " and " "by Liand Wei ; "
", "Theof ", " of"; "for Form ", "for " and " of "by Zou Liwen and Di ;
Xieand Panco- "Dai Xing He Shen", "Eight Lines" and so on.
DaiSteps is the firstof ;is abyDe
This book; " of Doubt" is the firstof. In these , manyterms and terms were , which are still in use today, but
Theused havebeen . After theof the 1980s, new lawwerein, and some of the above- worksthe main .
Whileworks,alsosomeand write some works, the mostof which is Li 's "The
Theof Coneand theofof Roots; Xia 's " of Cave ", "", "Zhiqu ", etc., all of them canand
the input ofaofand , and theof the late Qingwere very , under theof the
Until the Mayin 1919, theofinChina

