山火天文,以察时变;观乎人文,以化成天下( 六 )

○Ask the house:is the ,andstyle, .
○Ask the : It istothe old man as a guide, and you can win.
○Ask about :thegift is small, it is as good as awoman. I am .
○Ask : Have a boy.
【】When acomes,takeof your luck and win the "" of "Ben".
Duan said: This Yao is a five-place ,theof , and will lead the world to, so it is not the , but the hill . Theof " silk", with , is not rich. Now that I havethis line, I have beentoinsince I was a child. I havehard, and I am today. I am rich and happy. Intimes, in , they are moreto theand. They all useas a , and they boast . In my , who are up to thestyle, I don’t care towith them. Ijust relax and find a good place in theand , build , plantand trees, tomy mind, and as a plan for old age. Somemaymyas beingabout not doingin the world, but this is tothe old, and to pass it on later, it willbe .
will be happy since then.
The first nine: Bai Ben, .
" " says: Bai Ben is , and is the best.
The end of the "Ben" isabove. The, and thewill have no . , theof "Ben"with theof the world,it with text, andthe text of the world to it.
in . "Bai Ben" isand , and it is , such asjade, pearl, and no text to hide its , so it is"white ben". " " says, "Going up is the way to go." It is above the ,of, andthe world, but it isand , and it isin its own way.
Allsuch as "Tai" and "No", "Peel" and "Fu", "Huan" and "Cui", etc., all have their , but "Ben" has no , it isin the,Ben and non-Ben twoare right. It is theof"Easy". The same is true for the "" .
【】ask the : goodis over, those who work hardto rest, those who moveto , and those whoare ,for .
○Ask for : Now the price of goods is high, and theis about to end, you can sell it, and make a .
○Ask the house: cleanstyle, high , good luck.
○Ask the : When you are a , you will stand in aarray, and you will be the flag of . lucky.
○Ask about the : Theis in the upper coke, so a light agentbe used, .
○Ask : Come back with a .
○Ask : Have a boy.
○Ask for lost : look for it at a high place, you can get it.
【】On theof the ,, anof the Uraga, aof theSaga , was ill for a long time and came tofor. Thesaid: Theseems to be mild but, if it is notfor , it may be in.to theandto stay in the . Thedid not takeas a , andonto . The son tries to make it. Hethe "Ming Yi" of the "Ben".
【山火天文,以察时变;观乎人文,以化成天下】:will die. Thesaid: Thealsoit as a, but why did Danhis death? Yu said: In the "Ben"went up theand down the fire, and now thehasinto the . The upper nine yangs areinto yin. In , theof the nine lines is"white ben", and the whiteisin , and his death is . A month later, hehis .

