山火天文,以察时变;观乎人文,以化成天下( 五 )

○问姻缘:百岁同居,吉祥 。
○问刘家:生个男孩 。
○问路人:你会穿着华丽的衣服回家 。
○询问丢失的财物:在水中找到它并得到它 。
【例子】有朋友来了,请趁你的好运,得到“本”的“义” 。
段曰:此卦中,一阳居二阴,如物入水,润润润泽,其光辉益章 。但本装饰过多,外在光彩绰绰有余,内在美往往不足,这就是本的劣势 。当今我国改革开放以来,仕途发生了变化,有很多人大显身手,在官场上进取,装聪明震傻,互相打广告 。他们中的大多数都是这样的 。一旦登上王位,他就没有能力了 。这一代纯贼和虚伪的声音只能是暂时的,而不是“永恒的贞操” 。有什么好处?欲以足在世,修德,不虚名,守“贞”,守“恒”,终得吉祥 。《象传》云:“末墨之灵” 。都说本非虚本,无人能抵挡 。注意!
6月4日:奔儒伯儒、白马寒儒、土匪成亲 。
上卦四,“奔”过去 。“博”意为素白,“汉”意为白马 。卦体三、四、五相“震”,“震”为白马,故取白马形象 。《郑》第六章说“嫁”,所以也有结婚的迹象 。四一正应,三者相隔,互不得本,故称“卜汝”、“白马寒汝”,未得本 。然而,九三为人正直,“非匪”,提亲 。第四,回应最初的回应,必须彼此靠近,不能结束分离 。《象传》称“疑位”,有四疑二 。都说“最后没有什么特别的”,意思是第四天是正确的反应 。最后,他们必须和解,所以说“最后没有特别” 。
【占位】求财运:当前运势若有障碍,若安然无恙,则财运亨通,来年财运亨通 。
○问商家:要快卖,慢卖,防止商品变色 。
○问家宅:家中,丧婚兼备,无怨无悔 。
○问展正:有一个很好的建议,可以联系专业人士 。
○Ask about : There isin thechest, so the upper and lower are not , and theoftois not to blame.
○: I have awho isand has notfor a while.
○Ask : Have a girl.
【】 is ,for the luck of a, and get the "Li" of "Ben".
Duan said: Theis yin to live in yin, which is the rightto the ,by the three lines in the , and does not get a blind date with each other. Now that I have taken up four lines, I know that aJinis in the game, or there may be somethat cause , but among them, the one who came by Mahanwants to be close to each other, and has no other . At theof the four lines, it wasthat it was a , in order to rob us of our , but laterthe truth, and thewere , so it was" and".
At that time, there wasafor a. At first Iit and thenit. Thethe two was very close.
Sixty-five: Ben Yuqiu . Beam silk, be , end .
" " says: Six or five , happy also.
"Hill ", theis based on the hills. Gen has the image of a hill, and the one who "walks in the hill " means to payto theofand . Those who " silk" arethat are given to , and those who are "" have a.of the court of ,,is also. "Beingand " means that the Sixth Five-year-oldas a high- , cantheof ,, beand , just like theof the Great Yu, and eat and drink, so it is"Ben in , Bind the silk." "" means to be in a high- , and to payto the, it is too , but it does not lose theoftheandthe truth, so it is"the end of ". " " says "there is joy", and those who are happy are said to have joy. The world'sinand fail in . Oneit, and the world canto . It is not onewho likes it, but that it cantheandthe .
It is said thatis theof , and Liuwu can use " silk" to hire 'ssages toin theof . Whensages, they only tie their silks with "戋戋". Theofis not , so they are"." Come, so there is goodin the end. Also pass.
【】Ask the : Right now, it is good , but it is good to beandin doing .
○Ask for : buy and sell thewood and silk , the goods do not need to be much, and theis quite good.

