(二), 教材结构:
本教材包括“经典站”和“艺术乐园”两个单元 。
“经典驿站”:学习领悟中华民族传统原著经典,受益于古今中外文字的文化滋养,培养对传统文化精髓的热爱 。
“艺术乐园”:走进民族文化的艺术殿堂,领略中华文化的博大精深,增强民族自豪感和自信心 。
教材的基本呈现形式为:“经典回放”(呈现原著精髓); “温馨点击”(通过老师口中呈现作者的思想和教学意图,提出学习依据,明确学习要求);“活动广角”(设计多种活动,让学生在自主学习中完成学习活动,探索、实验和交流)
本教材突出原创性、知识性、情感性、趣味性、实践性和地方特色,通过阅读、理解、熏陶、探究、交流、合作等基本活动,达到提高学生综合文化素养的目的 。体现在以下三个方面:
1.坚持以人为本,充分考虑学生的年龄特点和兴趣爱好,营造浓厚的探索实践氛围 。
2.为了提高学生的素质,逐步培养他们良好的人文素质,塑造他们的正直正直和人生信念 。
3.注重培养学生的探究性学习能力,培养初步的探究性学习能力,形成积极的人生观和价值观 。
三、 thatbe paidto in :
1 。Payto theof . Theareandin form,'laws,to ', and' goodin .
2..be based on "" andby "",to-based.
3.Tothein the, focus on thethan the .
4.Payto ’.
5.Focus on theandof .
四、 ofaids:
, , etc.
五、 Law:
Self-study ,,,
六、 :
Eachis one hour.
eventbook 7
二、Aims of the event
1、 the fun oflife, build a, andthelife of .
2、Let thelove themore, care about, care aboutreal , and have aand.
3、to have a ,on life and
4、Shows theof the 'life.
5、the 'and moral level, which isto theof ' moral
6、theand, andthe??of.
7、 aandamong .
1、 Fullytheandlifeof.
2、Theform is free, noand waste, and one-timeis . Each smallhave its owntotheof the .
3、Let thethe joy of the .
4、The theme is clear and theis .
5、Abide by the , help each other,in a, beand , abide by the 's, and carry outin an.
6、The wholebeon, so as to trulytheof this .
7、It isself-made, andisas much as .
四、Event time
x month x day, 29th
main road
Allof xx
1、 Holdand issue .
2、Hangofin front of the third floor of the(one week in )
3、Post smallofin the
4、 on. (one week in )
1、How much do you know about(1-3in the)
Make some twigs to make a small tree, etc., and then hang thecard namemade by thestaff on the tree, and let theguess the next , or do thein , and you can get the right . small gift.
2、 China (1-3staff)
Thewillpen and paper forto do . After , they can beon the rope of the main road to take a group photo, and we cansome good works and send them to the. At the same time, you can also guess the, and you can getgifts if you guess .
3、board (1-3in the)
-fourpiety, poems and songs, with the theme of ,and ,by, andare held on the main road.
4、(1-3 )
Thewith the Law , and theworks forto enjoy.
5、Award(1-3from the)
in the event tosmall gifts, and letscan the QR code.
6:30of the
8:00 All the boys' desks andin the
8:30the scene
At 12:30, the staff will haveat each event
Event ends at 16:00
in the event and scan the QR code to win a lucky draw.
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