中国人历来非?常看重生肖 , 尤其是关注自?己个人的"属相" 。 虽然各种生肖学说毫无科学依据 , 但是依然有人津津乐道 。
想知道自己的猪年运势如何?来看看占星家的最新预测 。
注意:以下预测纯属娱乐 , 不要太当真哦 。

Contrary to what you might expect, the Chinese astrological system actually holds that those born under the zodiac sign that is being celebrated don't receive much luck.
和你预期的相反 , 中国星象学认为 , 本命年的运气一般不会太好 。
"This isn't a year for Pigs to take risks or initiate any major changes." consultant astrologer Carmen told INSIDER.
星相学顾问卡门告诉Insider网站说:“属猪的人在本命年不要冒风险或作出任何重大改变 。 ”
Romantic success isn't really in the cards for Pigs in 2019 either.
属猪的人在2019年也没什么桃花运 。
in the cards: 可能的
"Don't expect this year to bring excitement in the relationship department. For singles, this year is likely to bring relationship lessons but not growth," she said.
卡门说:“不要指望本命年感情上能有什么突破 。 对于属猪的单身人士而言 , 这一年在爱情上是教训多、甜蜜少 。 ”
属鼠:事业得意 爱情运尚可

In 2019, Rat signs will have the opportunity to experience some serious career advancement and make new beneficial work connections.
2019年 , 属鼠的人将有机会获得晋升并拓展职场人脉 。
"Career will be the biggest win for Rats during the Year of the Pig. Success will come from the Rats' talents, skills, and ability to network as well as from their connections." Carmen said.
卡门说:“属鼠的人在猪年的事业运最旺 。 属鼠的人的才华、技能、社交和人脉都能对事业有所助益 。 ”
However, Rats should focus on building momentum where there are rather than looking for a new job.
不过属鼠的人在猪年应该蓄势待发而不是寻找新工作 。
Romance may also crop up for Rats in 2019, but it likely won't be anything too dramatic.
属鼠的人在2019年的爱情运也不错 , 不过不会有重大变化 。
属牛:财源广进 注意理财

People born in the Year of the Ox can look forward to a great run of luck with money and finances in 2019. Those who were born in the Year of the Ox may expect career changes, promotions, and salary upgrades.
属牛的人在2019年财运很旺 , 财源滚滚 。 可能会发生工作变动、升职和加薪 。
The only caveat here is that there is such thing as too much of a good thing. Ox signs should be prepared to deal with success when it comes and they should have a plan for turning a sudden windfall into a long-lasting fortune.
但是属牛的人要当心好事过头反成坏事 。 在财富从天而降时 , 做好规划 , 才能细水长流 。
caveat['k?v??t; 'ke-]: n. 警告

Tigers probably shouldn't expect any dramatic positive changes in 2019. Tigers should focus on maintaining their success rather than look for huge new successes.
属虎的人在2019年不会迎来什么重大的积极改变 。 他们应该专注于维护成果而不是再创辉煌 。
However, this year is actually a good time for Tigers to expand their social circles. Carmen advised that meeting new people and sharing ideas will lead to wins in career and friendship, though love connections won't necessarily lead to lasting love.
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