不过 , 今年是属虎的人扩大社交圈的良好时机 。 卡门建议属虎的人结识新朋友 , 多交流意见 , 这将让他们赢得事业和友情 , 不过在这一年开始的新恋情不一定会长久 。
In Chinese astrology, the Pig is very supportive of the Rabbit. This means that Rabbits can expect pretty much every aspect of their lives to receive a boost in 2019.
中国星相学认为 , 猪能旺兔 。 这意味着属兔的人在2019年的运势将全面提升 。
"Career growth is very likely and includes switching jobs, starting a business, and getting promotions all of which leads to more income. This will be a pretty stellar year for the Rabbit," Carmen revealed.
卡门透露说:“属兔的人在猪年很可能会迎来事业上升期 , 包括换工作、创业、升职 , 都能带来更多收入 。 对属兔的人而言 , 这将是大放异彩的一年 。 ”
Rabbits can also expect their fair share of romantic and interpersonal success in 2019. "Relationships of all kinds will grow and strengthen this year. Singles will find love while those already coupled will spend more quality time with each other," said Carmen.
在爱情运和人际关系上 , 属兔的人在2019年也是顺风顺水 。 卡门说:“属兔的人的各种感情关系在2019年都会得到加强 。 单身人士会得到爱情 , 有伴侣的则会一起度过更多美好的时光 。 ”
Astrologer Stellhorn added that this is also a good year for Rabbits to go back to school or travel. "If you plan to travel this year, you'll receive much help and support. And in your travels, you can meet people who can become important parts of your life," she said.
占星家斯特尔霍恩补充说 , 对于属兔的人而言 , 今年也非常适合重返校园或旅游 。 她说:“如果你今年有出游计划 , 你会得到很多帮助和支持 。 在旅游途中 , 你可能会遇到未来对你很重要的人 。 ”
属龙:财运亨通 桃花朵朵
【生肖运程-生肖运程2018】Dragon signs can expect good things in 2019. It'll be a year of opportunities on all sides.
属龙的人在2019年运势不错 , 在各方面都会遇到良机 。
"Opportunities in either career or a side-hustle will present themselves to increase the flow of income. Single Dragons will find someone special this year, while those already paired will level up," Carmen said.
卡门说:“属龙的人在猪年的正财运和偏财运都很好 。 属龙的单身人士今年有望遇到合适的另一半 , 已经有伴的感情会更进一步 。 ”
side-hustle: 副业
However, Stellhorn cautioned that the success of romantic opportunities will be tempered by Dragons' willingness to connect. "There are love opportunities for you if you're willing to come down to earth and have a conversation rather than just being admired from afar," said Stellhorn.
不过 , 斯特尔霍恩提醒说 , 属龙人的高冷会让良缘受阻 。 她说:“如果你愿意放下架子 , 与人交谈 , 而不是高高在上 , 你将有很多恋爱机会 。 ”
属蛇:诸事不顺 保持积极心态是关键
People born under this sign can expect challenges in almost every area of life.
属蛇的人在猪年将遇到来自各个方面的挑战 。
Snakes might have to contend with fluctuations in income, lack of work opportunities, and unexpected expenses. Because of this, it's a good idea for Snakes to start saving for a rainy day as soon as possible.
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