It is said that health is wealth, and this year Rooster people should focus on both of these areas. If Roosters aren't careful, their finances and wellness could take a real hit in 2019.
健康就是财富 , 今年属鸡的人要特别注意健康和财富这两方面 。 如果不当心的话 , 他们的财富和健康在2019年都会受到重创 。
"Health issues could arise from illness, accidents, or stress. It's likely to cause a domino effect. In order to be effective in other areas, rooster people should practice self-care as well as practicing good health habits," said Carmen.
卡门说:“疾病、事故、压力都可能导致属鸡的人出现健康问题 , 还可能会引发多米诺效应 。 为了不影响生活的其他方面 , 他们要好好照顾自己 , 养成良好的健康习惯 。 ”
Keeping business ventures on track may prove problematic and finances could suffer as a result. "Rooster may suffer a loss of income. This could be from bad investments, paying down debts, lawsuits, and unexpected money drainers," Carmen explained.
今年属鸡人的创业道路会充满险阻 , 资金也会因此而受损 。 卡门解释说:“属鸡的人在猪年的收入会减少 。 这可能是由投资失败、还债、打官司和其他意外支出导致的 。 ”
But it's not all bad news. Stellhorn clarified that 2019 will also bring opportunities for Roosters.
但也不全是坏消息 。 斯特尔霍恩指出 , 2019年也会给属鸡的人带来良机 。
"All the new things you've been doing for the last year or two are starting to pay off. New love is possible or you may take an existing relationship to the next level. An important contract or business agreement may be possible. You can negotiate a win-win," she said.
她说:“你前两年开始做的事情会初见成效 。 你可能会开启新恋情 , 也可能让现有的感情关系更进一步 。 你可能会达成重要的契约或商业协议 , 或通过协商获得双赢 。 ”

Hard work and effort will pay off for Dogs this year. People with this sign may have faced a difficult 2018, but those tough experiences will help Dogs succeed in 2019.
属狗的人辛苦工作和付出会在今年得到回报 。 他们在2018年也许过得很艰难 , 但是这些挫折会帮助属狗的人在2019年取得成功 。
"Last year definitely had challenges for those born in the Year of the Dog. Those challenges helped Dogs to mature and become more practical. These traits will help Dogs make the best of opportunities in the Year of the Pig," said Carmen.
卡门说:“过去的一年确实给属狗的人带来了许多挑战 。 这些挑战让他们变得更加成熟和实际 。 这将帮助他们在猪年充分把握机遇 。 ”
There will be opportunities for Dogs in all areas, including career, finances, and relationships. However, as Carmen noted, these opportunities don't automatically ensure success. Dogs will have to put in work and effort to experience gains.
2019年属狗的人在事业、财富、爱情等各个方面都将遇到良机 。 不过 , 卡门指出 , 这些机遇不一定会带来成功 。 他们必须付出辛劳才能得到收获 。
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