属蛇的人在猪年可能会遭遇收入波动、缺少工作机会和意外花销 。 正因如此 , 属蛇的人最好尽早开始储蓄 , 未雨绸缪 。
Both single and coupled Snake signs may have to deal with frustrations from other areas of life boiling over into their romantic lives, Carmen added.
卡门说 , 单身和有伴的属蛇人都可能要应对生活其他方面的挫折对感情生活的影响 。
属马:名利双收 好运连连

The Year of the Pig brings blessings to the Horse in career, finance, and relationships.
无论是事业、金钱还是爱情 , 属马的人在猪年都会走好运 。
"Opportunities that present themselves will be rewarding financially as well as boosting reputation. " said Carmen.
卡门说:“属马的人在猪年遇到的良机将会让自己名利双收 。 ”
However, the adage "it takes money to make money" will definitely apply for Horses this year. They will find themselves expending financial resources to support career expansion.
不过 , 属马的人会发现 , 钱才能生钱 。 为了支持事业扩张 , 他们的金钱支出将会增加 。
In terms of romance, Horses can expect to ride through the year without too many relationship bumps.
在感情方面 , 属马的人今年会顺风顺水 , 不会遇到太多坎坷 。

This year is shaping up to be a great one for Sheep. These lucky lambs will experience good fortune in all areas of life including relationships, career, money, and health.
今年对属羊的人而言是非常幸运的一年 , 在爱情、事业、金钱、健康各个方面都会走好运 。
"You have more luck this year and you can take calculated risks both in love and in business. Putting out creative work will bring back praise and accolades," Stellhorn said.
斯特尔霍恩说:“今年属羊的人运气很好 , 可以在爱情和事业上都勇敢地迈出一步 。 你的创作将获得嘉奖和回报 。 ”
Sheep will also find 2019 brings more opportunities for love and relationships.
属羊的人在2019年还将遇到更多恋爱机会 。
"If you have been single, that won't be the case much longer. Upgrades, marriage, and even pregnancy is likely for Sheep," said Carmen. Stellhorn also mentioned that Sheep seeking help for fertility issues should have good luck this year.
卡门说:“如果你是单身 , 那你很快就能脱单 。 感情升级、结婚甚至怀孕都有可能 。 ”斯特尔霍恩还提到 , 那些怀孕有困难的属羊人今年应该能得偿所愿 。

Monkey signs may run into trouble in 2019 if they don't keep their energetic natures in check. This year has the potential to send Monkeys plenty of drama and even legal problems.
如果属猴的人在2019年不收敛好斗的性子 , 可能会给自己引来麻烦 。 属猴的人在猪年可能会身陷各种冲突 , 甚至法律纠纷 。
In career, there could be clashes that make it hard for Monkeys to make any major moves or power plays. Personal relationships may also be challenging.
事业上的冲突会让属猴的人难以采取任何重大行动或争夺权力 。 人际关系问题也会让他们头疼 。
Monkeys will have to put in an effort to maintain or grow relationships as well as attract new ones.
今年在维持现有感情关系和结交新朋友方面 , 属猴的人都会相当费劲 。
属鸡:健康亮红灯 财富大缩水
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