先进文化是人类文明进步的先导和旗帜 。建设充满活力的知识产权文化首先要确保知识产权制度是有效和平衡的,并且该制度的用户是充分知情的、可访问的,并为来自各行各业的更广泛的人所接受 。明智而成功地使用知识产权 。将知识产权知识教育转变为素质教育,使其科学化、制度化、规范化 。要坚持创新思维,激发中国知识产权文化的创造活力 。It istotheand give full play to therole ofandin.
legalis both humanand human . Theof all 'ofis anformy 's -based. Theof theof allis anfora -basedin our .is anof' legal .can beinto andinto, andthe - andof.
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isin theand hastheof the. Since theandup,since theof the, whileon, the CPChastheofand, andin a very. The Sixthof theof theParty of China made aon the theme ofand, whichthe basicforin the new era;into theof the party and thethe new , and it ranks among the three ; the 16thof theParty of China putstheideas of "Three "" theof China's", which isto . , Mao, and Denghave beenas theof the party. Theof the 16th: "Allin the party musttheofandtheandof." It can be seen that theof my 'sand morerole.
Over the past 20 years, China'scause has made. But on the other hand, with my 's entry into the WTO, itsinto thecycle, and the rapidof the world'sandand , themy 'sare still , even more . Theof my 'sand my 'shavea new stage with theof the. Under the new , the in-depthof theand the full play of its role inandandmust beby. Theandofis a new topic for theofand theofin China. There is a long way to go to build my 's.
【《世界知识产权组织计划活动的中期计划》提出“知识产权促进发展与繁荣,建立知识产权文化”的创意】(Theis Li Ning,to theof, Zhou ,at theof Jinan )
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