术数指什么 黄帝的身体——《黄帝内经》的人体观念( 六 )

由于营卫观念的确立,“经络世界”的结构终于确立,大量“气血多少”的加入,基本构成了针灸的全部需求 。基础知识 。
随着“气道”知识体系的不断丰富,“以胃为中心”的概念逐渐被“经络联结内外”的概念所取代,经络概念迅速强化. , andfromto () with the Zang-Fu , into a part (or even the whole) of the Zang-Fu . For , in the , "by " and "by the Lord" arein front and back, and they areunder one . Thehas alsofromandon the wrist and ankle ( Yuan, Five ), etc., toalong the .
At the same time, thethe scalp and handfrom theofand Wei has been , whichthe mostbasis forthe laws of qi and blood in the , andtheofinand . In , it has been, from thepath of " the " nine ", thepath is "[4] to the new" path" with "three parts and nine " as the core[5 ], so "Su asked. The Eightof Gods andthat "the threeand nineare the , and theof the ninedoes not need to exist."
Thejusttheof howwas . And theof how the body of thewaswith the body of, , and , andfrom the womb. But it is worththat once it isand , itthecord from the , andinto an, whichinand grows . As a , aofis, which canguide. With theofand theof, it can beandtotheof. (五、六)
From the " ", from " on" to "Wen ", from theto today's, Theshown by theofis .
术数指什么 黄帝的身体——《黄帝内经》的人体观念
( 5:HanStone.
术数指什么 黄帝的身体——《黄帝内经》的人体观念
Theheld by theBian Que is the , and the Bian Que whothat " inand notinwill die" is the "Sect of ". And theof "Theof " isthe same Bian Que in thebody is the key to sayto the .)
术数指什么 黄帝的身体——《黄帝内经》的人体观念
( 6:of the’sand .
Using the birth andof the moon as atowhere thelies, and then totheofand ; "Su Wen. The Eight Pure Gods", there is also theofon qi and blood on the sun and the moon. For : theof the moon, theof blood , Wei Qito flow, no ;
Yue Guo is full of blood Qi,is firm, no ; Yue Guo empty,is , Wei Qi , and the shape lives alone, and there is no cure.
It can be seen that theof theof Wei Qi and theof theofare bothfor this type of .)
[1] ". Jade " ": "The qi thatis the grain. The grain isinto the . Theis the sea of ??water and grain. The cloud and qi of the sea are the world. The qi and blood from theare also the . ."
[2] "Su Wen. The Five ": "Theis the sea of ??water and , and the greatof the six . Theof the fiveisin thetothe Qi of the Five . It is also . , theof the fiveand the sixallfrom the , andinto the mouth.”
[3] "Evil Guest": Bogao said: "The fiveenter the , and their Dregs, body fluid, andareinto three . ,in the chest, flows out of the , andthe heartto . Those whoqiits body fluid,it into the , and turn it into blood. At theend of the camp, the five zang- and six fu- areinto it, so as to beand . The Wei Qi, which is out of theof itsQi, firsttheend, the meat, and the skin, and it does not stop. It alsoin the Yang day and day. ,in the yin at night. Often from theof the foot and , itthe five zang- and six fu-."
[4] ". ";
[5] "Su Wen" . Lun": "You mustits nine , and thepath is ready."
术数指什么 黄帝的身体——《黄帝内经》的人体观念

