在教育程度较高的社区和城市进行殡葬改革的另一个重要措施是推广树葬和建立生态花园墓地 。“树葬”是指在墓地里 , 生者为死者种一棵树 , 在树前挖一个深坑 , 将骨灰直接埋入树下的土中 。在树前留下墓碑或数字以作纪念 。这样 , 骨灰就直接埋在土里 , 不用瓮 , 不会造成环境后遗症 , 成为树上营养丰富的植物 。因此 , 树葬与风水思想中的“天地同我 , 万物同我”不谋而合 。灰烬返回土壤 , 成为生态系统中生物地球化学循环的场所之一 。既符合生态循环再生的基本原则 , 也符合“阴阳同气 , 则无路行 , 聚散相求 , 精积相磨 , 而盖与盖相结合……阴阳循环理论和“世代轮回”的概念层出不穷 。
从环境保护的角度来看 , 树葬不占用土地和绿化荒山 , 不会造成环境问题 , 有利于土地的可持续和可持续利用 。同时 , 我国是每年死亡人数接近900万的国家 。因此 , 如果我国实行全部树葬 , 每年将种植近900万棵树 。In , these trees arecared for by theof theand, and therate is very high, which willtheofin our . , theof treeis alsoto,the newofand , and , which is of greatto theof.
Theof "tree " and "heavyand thin " is not onlytoday. The idea of ??"tree " and "heavyand thin "in the early feng shui [11].did notthe tomb of Muguhis , but histreeon his tomb tohim, as a way totheirandto the("'s tomb isthe north gate of , ... there areof trees in the tomb. , all of them are, and theof Lu arein the world to name their trees..." "The 's View: Tomb of the Tomb").the Han and Jin , it was veryamong theto plant mound trees tothe death of . Feng Shuifrom the old and ? "Life is morethan all fame, ,and even the world" ("Those who canlife,rich and noble do not usecare,poor and lowly do notfrom "). , in athe , theof feng shui"highand low ", and even theand son of Cao'sand son in the Three"highand low " (Cao Pi,Wen of Wei said at his death: "...is builtof , and there are nohalls,and towns. . Theof theis also , and if you wantto not see it..."). From this, it can be seen that there are manyin the feng shui , and weandthem in a.
Theof feng shui forof yearsthewith theof " piety" to find a "feng shuiland" for theand ashes of their ,that thecan rest in peace under the; This "Feng ShuiLand" can bringand shade to the . Thisfeng shuiwith theof "tree " and isofand . With 'sof life and death , in On abasis, wethefromin an urn toof the ashes into the , so that there will be no, and a true " to thefor peace andto " is . On the one hand,to plant trees on the ashes of theis right.to the dead is, on the other hand,the . It can be seen that this isandon the basis of the. After theof the 'sof China, there are many greatin the firstoffor this. Theset a good . For ,their death, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, and Dengasked theirto throw their ashes into the sea and the place where they had . Someasked their ashes to beunder the roots of trees such as pine andafter their death. , to ""all , and bless".
(2)Using theof "" of Feng Shuito "turn"hills and steepinto "feng shui "
With theofFeng Shui ,andofhills and , so thatcanenter thecycle after death, andnewand humanis anfor theofin my .
Theof thefor tombs in Feng Shui" and water" and that theand soil are welland . Such anis oftena "feng shuiland". In thethat does not have the above , theoften used the ""in feng shui.the spaceto theand make, orandthetime and space toit into a new sense of "feng shuiland". , whenthe -to-usehills and bald hills into newareas, the "" in Feng Shui can be used. ,build it into aarea withand water,, quiet and , and eventhe ",Tiger, , " , in order toto the 's death, "theofand earth" @一、that " haveandsouls"in by "Going to Earth for Peace" and their . This not onlythe urban, but alsothe urbanand.
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