怎么去写论文?说理文章的学习方法和方法( 六 )

<@k 3@> theinto theandofis aof theofandfor.to the, 93% of thelove the , work hard, study , andfor . They are firm in theirand , andwithwith; they are brave in , andtotheirandtheir ; they are , , open-, and full of. , with the rapidof , theof the, thein theand theof the, someareby other??to, and they have a weak sense of ,self-, and self- . , weak will, and poor. It istoandand guidetoaon life,??and world .
二、 ofinto'and
is theof theand must befrom,a valuethatto the new era, and serve thedrive.
1. dailyand leadtoand .on thetask of "and",to the focus on' noble moralandtheirand will, andthe " Plan", " " and " Code of ", to' daily .for.carry out,eachto read 30 to 40books,at least oneevery month, andin one;carry out,with, to,, andofto'and , and eachistoin a. Bythe,theandof,into ,'inand , andtoandfrom, so as to raise theirand grow up with .
2.Wetoandinto.thecore ,carry out aofand, so thatcantheir self- in away. Theis broad,and has a long . Theof,,andareof. Theythe genes of, carry thehope ofsons and , andthatto forge ahead.andsuch as "" and " Idiom " can beout on abasis to guide youngtofrom the, to be happy and , and to grow up with , so as toandthe core of . .
①Bao . Newof the[M]. FudanPress, 2009.
[2] Xiao .of.Press, 2001.
[3] Zeng Cheng, et al.of theofbyandinand[J].Forum, 2014.
【onof】 :
on theQuo of’ Moral10 -18
andof thetrend ofpaper 12-12
paper 09-17
ChinaArtPaper 10-03
on theTrend of07-11
and Life WorldPaper 06-25
on theandof'10-21
under theofArtPaper 03-14
of theof'and Moral08-01

