雅思考试a类g类区别 2017年4月29日雅思g类写作范文

雅思考试a类g类区别 2017年4月29日雅思g类写作范文

雅思写作类考试分为两类 , 学术类(Academic, 简称A类)和普通类(General , 简称G类) , 两类雅思写作考试都要完成两项任务:TASK 1和TASK 2 。
A类和G类写作TASK 2难度相当 , 均为议论文体裁 。 议论文话题常常围绕11大类话题展开:社会类、政府类、价值观类、抽象类、科技类、教育类、文化类、媒体类、环境类、旅游类、犯罪类 。
议论文题目题型分为辩论型题目和解释型题目两类 。

雅思考试a类g类区别 2017年4月29日雅思g类写作范文

题目:We have a mixture of people from different cultures and ethnic groups in a country. Why?Is this a positive or negative development?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
题目译文:在同一个国家中居住着不同文化背景、来自不同民族的人 , 原因是什么?这个趋势是积极的还是负面的?请解释你的答案 , 并根据你的知识或经历举例说明 。

雅思考试a类g类区别 2017年4月29日雅思g类写作范文

The phrase "melting pot" is often quoted to describe a country where people from diversified cultural in harmony. Actually, the United States has set up a perfect example that demonstrates the merits of cultural tolerance. The nation's rapid social development and prosperous economy truly reveal that the multi-cultural atmosphere encompasses more positive elements than negative ones.
第一段译文:“熔炉”这个词通常用来描述文化背景各异的人们和谐共处的国度 。 其实 , 美国就是证明文化包容之优点的完美典范 。 这个国家高速的社会发展和繁荣的经济真切地证实:多文化氛围的积极因素超过其消极因素 。
剖析:第一段由三句话组成 。 第一句 , 由题目的“多个民族、多种文化”联想到“melting pot大熔炉”这一词 , 并准确地给予定义"a country where people from diversified cultural in harmony" , 从定义中的“harmony”一词 , 作者的观点已初见端倪 。
第二句 , 以美国为例 , 大熔炉精神展示了文化包容性的价值 , 从“merits”、“tolerance”
正向的褒义词中 , 作者再次为发表观点做出写作的过渡 。
第三句 , 根据题目要求“多文化、多民族的国家时积极的还是负面的” , 作者在首段中就要表明观点 。 在前两句的铺垫和引导下 , 第三句亮明观点:The nation's rapid social development and prosperous economy truly reveal that the multi-cultural atmosphere encompasses more positive elements than negative ones.一个国家社会的飞速发展和经济的繁荣真实地展现了多文化的氛围 , 比起负面因素来说 , 带来的是更多积极的因素 。

雅思考试a类g类区别 2017年4月29日雅思g类写作范文

First, the essences of different cultures may be complementary to each other. By taking in the favorable qualities of other cultures, social progress can be sped up. thus, governments need to stress the significance of cultural diversity, especially in an age of globalisation. No society develops in total isolation, after all. In fact, opening-up policies have been accepted and adopted by nations that aim to achieve faster economic growth. Establishing an agreeable environment that values coexistence and cooperation among different cultures is a meaningful strategy. Canada can be cited as a shining example in promoting multiculturalism as well. It consists of people from multitude of racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds and is open to cultural pluralism. Such open-mindedness to alien cultures has instilled in its citizens a stronger sense of wholeness. From their unified devotion, the powerful impetus that accelerates comprehensive social development has already taken effect. Obviously, cultural integration best fits the idea of common wealth for all. No matter what people's home cultures are, as long as they diligently assume their responsibilities, social prosperity can be well ensured. Thus, acceptance of different cultures will not slow down social advancement, but rather bring in freshness that energises the local economy.

