【图 招财辟邪:办公室风水十大妙招】Feng Shui helps with a variety of different problems. It can even help with problems in the business. They give many tips on how to make a business successful and stay successful.
风水可以解决很多难题,对做生意也有助益 。风水学会给出一系列办法,助你在商海里顺风顺水 。
1. It is good to have good back support for the back in the desk chair. Lack of support creates unneeded stress on your back. This could make a person fill strained and irritable. This could make business meetings and meeting with clients very unbearable. Good back support in desk chairs prevents these problems from occurring.
坐椅后有支撑 。缺少了椅背的支撑,背部就会感到一些无形的压力,让人感到紧张和暴躁,在开会或会见客户时也会烦躁不安 。良好的椅背支撑就能防止上述事情的发生 。
2. All clutter should be cleared from office space. Clutter brings bad Feng Shui to the office. Clutter creates confusion and chaos. It also creates unneeded and unwanted stress. Everything should be filed away and organized to help make a business successful. This also helps a person remain stress free in the work environment. Being clutter free also helps a person stay on top of their products and businesses.
办公区域应整洁干净 。杂乱会给办公室带来坏风水,导致混乱和争吵,还会带来不必要的压力 。办公区域里的物品应该整理妥当,摆放整齐,才会让事业一帆风顺 。另外,整洁的办公区域还能减少人们在工作环境中的压力,同时有利于他们站上事业的顶峰 。
3. A person should set up their office the way they feel more comfortable. Each person has their own success set up. Many Feng Shui websites tell a person their ideal set up. Having the proper set up will ensure success because the person feels relaxed in their own setting. They are more confident and ready to face everything that comes their way.
办公室的布局要让自己感到舒服 。什么样的布局才舒服,这一点因人而异 。很多介绍风水的网站会推荐一些样板布局 。一个舒适的办公室能确保成功,因为置身自己布置的环境中,人们会感到非常放松,也会更有自信,并随时准备好迎接四面八方的挑战 。
4. Placing a small potted healthy plant on the desk is a very good idea. Many healthy plants have been known to absorb toxins that are in the air. Many toxins make a person sick and unable to work. There are many healthy plans that are known as money plants. These plants are believed to ward off negative situations that may come into the person’s office.
在桌上放一盆健康植物 。健康植物能吸收空气中的毒素,而这些毒素往往就是导致人们身体不适、工作不畅的元凶 。有一些健康植物被称为招财植物,据说这些植物可以摆在办公室里辟邪 。
5. A person should never set their desk facing someone another person’s desk. This leads to bad Feng Shui. It could also lead to many arguments and complications. This is especially vital to people who share an office. If they want to get along better, they need to remember not to have their desks face each other.
办公桌切忌“面对面”摆放 。办公桌面对面摆放不仅会招致坏风水,还会引起同事间的争吵和矛盾 。对于共用一间办公室的同事而言,这点特别重要 。如果想要和同事相处融洽,那就记得不要让桌子对着其他人 。
6. It is not a good idea to use brightly lit lights in an office. The bright lights can make a person become irritable. It can also make them work very impulsive.
办公室里不宜灯火通明 。光线过亮会让人变得急躁,还很容易变得冲动 。
7. A person should always keep their office space and their bedroom space separated. The bedroom is a place to sleep, and mixing it up with office space can cause insomnia or the person to be increasingly sleepy while working. If a person has to set up their office in their bedroom, they should set up a divider between the desk and the bed. This keeps both separate enough to avoid causing any problems.
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