办公区和休息区应分开 。卧室是用来睡觉的,如果卧室和办公室合在一起,会导致失眠,或者让人在工作时容易睡着 。如果卧室和办公区必须要放在一起的话,那么就要用东西隔开床和桌子,使两个区域有适当的区分,避免产生问题 。
8. A person should hang crystals around their office. Crystals absorb negative energies in the work space. This ensures many smooth days at work. Putting crystals on the person’s desk makes this outcome more likely.
在办公室周围挂一些水晶 。水晶能吸收办公室内的负能量,确保工作顺利 。在桌上摆放水晶,效果更佳 。
9. It is best to only use one door in a person’s office. Even if the person has more than one door, they should keep all doors closed but the one they want to enter. This is the Feng Shui method of keeping money coming in, but not leaving.
办公室只用一扇门 。如果办公室有很多扇门,除了进出的那扇门以外,把其余的关上 。这也是风水学的一个道理:让钱财只进不出 。
10. A person should always carry a Jade Cicada around with them, especially in their office. The Jade Cicada keeps away confrontations in the office. It is also known to be a great source of good luck in the office.
佩戴玉蝉,特别是办公室里 。佩戴玉蝉可以减少办公室矛盾,也是办公室招好运的良方 。
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