On this night of "two years old in one night, two years in five ", theand. The wholesits , and there is a table full ofandfor . A large plate ofisfor the New Year's , which is"Peace and Peace". In the north, somealso offer a pot of rice, which isa year ago andfor the New Year. It is"next year rice", which means that there isrice every year, but it can't be eaten all year round. This pot of rice for the next year iswith aof rice and . In , it is"two rice rice", which is to haveand white. In many , the ,andat the age of the year are allfor good luck: eat dates (early ),( goes well),(happy ), andfruit () ), eat rice cakes ( every year). On New Year's Eve, the wholeeats and has fun,and . There are alsowho play Pai Gow, dice, stud, and .
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