二 【知识点】腊月廿三的习俗及注意事项( 五 )

屠苏是草名,有人说屠苏是一种古老的屋尾,因为这种屋子酿制的酒叫做屠苏酒 。据说土苏酒是汉末名医华佗所创 。此药具有温阳、祛风散寒、避疫疔之害的功效 。后来由唐代名医孙思邈传播 。每年农历十二月,孙思邈总会给邻居和村民分发一包药,嘱咐大家用药酿酒,除夕夜喝,以防瘟疫 。孙思邈也将他的房子命名为“屠苏楼” 。后来,代代相传,喝土苏酒成为过年的习俗 。在古代,喝土苏酒的方法非常独特 。普通人喝的是老人的,但喝土苏酒的情况正好相反,是从最小的 。也就是说,一家人聚在一起喝土苏酒的时候,先从年幼的孩子开始,然后再大一点的喝 。宋代文学家苏哲在《移阳》诗中写道:“年末饮屠苏,不知已七十多岁 。”这是习俗 。有些人不明白这个习惯的含义 。董勋解释道:“小人老了,恭喜老了,老了就罚老了 。”这种风俗在宋代还很流行 。《外》诗中说:“然而,解贫延年,终饮屠苏 。”苏轼晚年虽穷,但精神十分乐观 。当然没有必要拒绝 。这种独特的酒令,在古代常常使人感受五花八门的情绪,因而给人留下了深刻的印象 。这种风俗一直延续到清朝 。虽然这种习俗在今天已不再大面积流行,但在节日或平时饮用这些药酒的习俗依然存在 。
年夜饭有很多著名的地方,南北不一样 。有饺子、馄饨、长面、元宵等,各有千秋 。北方人过年习惯吃饺子,意为“老一岁的饺子” 。又因为白面饺子的形状像银元宝,所以在桌上端上一锅,象征着“过年发大财,元宝来”之意 。包饺子的时候,有的甚至把几枚用开水消毒过的硬币包起来,说谁先吃,钱就多 。吃饺子的习俗是从汉代流传下来的 。相传,医圣张仲景在寒冬腊月见穷人耳朵冻烂,便制成了一种“祛寒角耳汤”治疗穷人冻伤 。他用羊肉、辣椒和一些药材散寒温热,把面团包成耳朵状的“焦耳”,用锅煮,分给穷人 。后来,人们纷纷效仿,一直流传至今 。过年吃馄饨是开始的意义 。相传天地在创世前处于混沌状态,盘古创天地,有天地四方长面,又称长寿面 。过年吃面就是祝百年长寿 。
中国人有除夕守年夜的习惯 。年夜饭从年夜饭开始,必须慢慢吃,从上灯到过节,有的人要吃到深夜 。据宗宴《荆楚岁岁记》记载,至少在南北朝,就有吃年夜饭的习俗 。
过年的习俗,不仅是对逝去如水的怀念,更是对即将到来的新年的美好期许 。Thewrote in a poem "Shou Sui": "Weeach other to stay with A Rong's , and the wax torchred to Bisha; -six days haveby, but I willthe years from now on." It is humantothe years. , the great poet Su Shi wrote the"Shou Sui": "There will be no new year next year, and my mind will be ; I will try my best today, and youngcan still boast!" This shows theof New Year's Eve.
At the age of 30, thename is "Bao Nian". Why is it"Bao Nian"? There is such anstorydown fromto :to , in thetimes of flood and , there was a,him "Nian". Every New Year's Eve, the Nian Beast would crawl out of the sea to hurtand ,the , and bringtowho havehard for a year. In order to avoid the Nian beast,close the door early on the 30th night of thelunar month,it gets dark, they don't dare to sleep, they sit and wait for the dawn, to pass the time and totheir , they drink wine. Don't dare to go out until the Nian Beast nocomes out on theof the first day of the new year. Whenmet, they bowed their hands to each other,each other, andthat they were not eaten by the beast. On the night of one year and 30, Nian Beastto ain the south of theRiver.all thein thewere eaten up by Nian Beast. Only awith redand redwas safe. There were also a fewwho werewith a bunch ofin the . The fire wasred. After the, there was a "pop" sound. Since then,know that Nian Beast isof red, light, and noise. Every year at the end of the year, everywill put up red paper, wear red robes, hang red , beat gongs and drums, and set off , so that Nian Beast will not dare to come again. . In the "Book of Songs . Ting Liao", there is aof "the light of Ting Liao". The so- "Ting Liao" is a torch made ofpoles. After thepoles are , the air in the, and the,asound, which is theof "". But in some , thedo not know that Nianareof red, and they are often eaten by Nian . Thislaterto Ziwei Xing in the sky, and in order to save , he wastothe Nian beast. One year, when the Nian beast came out, heit down with a , and thenit on a stonewith a thick iron chain. From then on, everyNew Year,burn , and askto come to the lower world to keep safe.

