杨公风水:真龙必有真穴乳突《撼龙经》( 七 )

47、Yang Gong said: "Firstto come to the , and then take the ." "Long Datou " says: "Look at theof the pulse and the cave first, and the yin and yang ofand earth will come out from here." The yin and yang of the , lock the yin and yang of theto which it . That is to say, the yin and yang of the twoofandarefrom theof theand the . The yin and yang of this placebe , its , right and wrong are all wrong, and itsand nine stars are empty.
【杨公风水:真龙必有真穴乳突《撼龙经》】48、Theof feng shui is to shade.a house anda cave are all in the hope ofand , or theof. If yin and yang goeach other, go up theand down the water, and the male and theare in ,willempty talk.
49、Yang Gong'sisand : theof use is that the site isand theare flat!uses a three-forandfeng shui, and only looks at the site and the :
①. Site: , , water ,water,; site -four hills: used for , , and water , andpaysto , age, , and 3 to 5is thick, 5 to 7is old, 1 to 3is , andof them is a. :andlook at hard .
Note: It is notto be ,to be thick, and ; Site water :stems,, and four( ) can be !
②. Human plate:sand, also known as( peak); only used in Yin house, human plate is used for peak :on ato see the high andpeak, he gave birth to me (a hole to make a ) as a seal Feng, the one whois Wang Feng, Ihim as Cai Feng, heme as Sha Feng, and I give birth to him as Xie Feng.
The book says: I will give birth to hisasPeak, in the next life I will be myPeak, and I willfame and ; I willhim as my wife and;is more noble and rich, and more help. (: One is no , it isin labor and good )
③、: no use (three-it to be a fake disk) on the Fiveof Stars, and the human disk topeaks andsand:
Ziwuto fire, and Jia, Geng, Bing, and Ren were the same; Yi, Xin, Ding, and Gui were foursoils, and Chen Xu, , and fourwere gold;
④. Theof the outer layer is also360of , and it goesfromat zero ;
⑤, 64names in the;
⑥, Sixty-four ;
⑦, 384 lines have been used tothe image of theof the;
The -fourareinto yin and yang (used for luck): , ,are yang; Ziwu , ,Yin.
: Yinthe nine , Yang Shunthe nine .
: The case of Duke Yang as thehall of the Liao ,on(earth and five ) ,to Cao Feng of fire power,soil ( ) , with the help ofand peers,wood Kill me as an , a , an , and theand best will be short-lived. Chen Feng is gold, smart and , and can't pass the exam. Yin Peak is water, and Caibo Peak. : Fromon ato see the peak of Gao Xiu, I make afor the .
Case: Li 'stomb:, Lixin, Fagui, Ding . If you set upJian , you will beof the Three(, Earth and ), and if you go to Sikou, you will beof , Eight , . Si is Ren Yuan, such as LiXiang and Xin Yi Zeji, Si and Yi canthe , and they arefalse eight evils. Threeofof gold: , fine, old, ,.gold, redare good, blackare bad, Y is , I is small and empty, and O is flat.are ,are empty.
Thecan be used togold in away: for , when theand Xun areboth Xu and Chen, the water of Jia is , and the mouth of Bing is . Pay, in order totheand going of A and C. (Theis great, and theis also great) Case:Liaohisto a, and the green snake came out of the hole. Maoyicame to Long, theand Mao,,, and . ThenMao and B, and still play Shao Ding.Liaohis name to Maoyiand sat on the ,, andanland.
50、About why most Feng Shuilive inand , theirandare not , or even have no ?
: This is also thewhy manyin thedo notin Feng Shui. Those who do notin feng shui are most often used to say: since feng shui is soand , why are some feng shuiso poor and poor, and fewcan make a ? Or even a short-lived death? , thishassincetimes, and theisby many :
1、The feng shuiin thehaveofand.canand. All feng shuiwith goodand highdo not actthe sky, do notthe law, do not help , do not be , do not asksky-high , and do not cause extrato . , we use ourheart andfeng shuito solvefor Fu . Such a feng shuiwill win the trust of many Fu Dong , his or herwill not be poor and poor, and he or she will be full ofand , all of whom are .
2、If it is, Feng Shuihavemoraland. For the sake of money, they are , , and's . His (her)hasmore and more poor and , and his or herandare not , and even .

