“一命二运三风水”加上“四积阴德五读书”( 六 )

d 。注意八字阴阳和谐
e 。男要稳,女要柔
f 。再怎么分手,童心不变
恶人凶猛,安定团结吉祥 。遵守规则的人获胜,掌握秘密的人获胜 。经济时代和谐赚钱 。
1)姬是什么?什么是谋杀?在漫长的人生中,我们将面对一切,需要做出正确的判断和选择 。我们要亲近好人、好东西、好东西、好地方、吉日、吉日、吉日 。健康、安全、快乐 。
2)做人就像太极的日月,完美而强大 。
遵守五行:生仁、交礼、行义、智思、言信 。
“看东西就知道了,知道了就真诚了,真诚了,心就正了你的身体,你就会有秩序 。“大学”
3) the : there are in and out, there is back and forth, there is up and down, there is front and back; money, human ,, , etc.be like this. No entry and no entry is a dead lake; only exit and no entry is an empty lake; only entry and no entry is alake; there is entry and exit is a good lake.death, be safe.
4)The time and place are right for , and theofis athatbeinto .is the life of I Ching . Those whothe rules win, and those whothewin. Theare , and theandare .the Qianand the six lines as an , it can bring ato our life:
(一)Do not use the: theof themeans to study hard;
(二) thein the field,from the lord: Thefrom the water and came to the . It is theof the start-up , and iton ’sand ; (三)Theis in theof the day. Dry,at night: those who payto moralbe , andwill come at any time;
(四)Orin the abyss: the stage ofand , which is the key to life or ;
(五)Theis in the sky: thefliesto the sky, whichto thepeak of life;
(六) has : when aflies to the top, it will fall down, that is, the law of " must be ". Goodand no .
, I hopecan learn the four views on life of the four, that is:
【“一命二运三风水”加上“四积阴德五读书”】(一)' " Fate", studythe , noton , go toand go up;
(二)'s " of life", that is, toandvaluetheof fate;
(三)'s "", life must beand let go in order to ;
(四)Xunzi's " life" means toand music and. I hopecantheof ourwith a, and put it intoin life, then What I havehere can also.

