“over night”造句?

1、Instead of cutting thin slices, peel a smallish potato, cut it into quarters, and put it in the fridge over night (or at least for a couple of hours).
不像黄瓜那样切成小薄片,先削掉土豆片,再把它切成四等分,放进冰箱一晚上(至少要放几个小时) 。
2、Whilethere are certainly types who find they're most productive at night, themajority of the world works during the day and so early risers have anadvantage over night owls.
当然也有些人觉得晚上更有效率,但这世界上的大多数工作都是白天进行的 。
3、It seemed to spring up over night.
它似乎是在一夜之间冒出来的 。
4、How about staying at bart's over night?
【“over night”造句?】5、New industries can blossom over night if we find an outlet for their products.
如果我们为产品找得到销路,一些新兴的产业短期内就会成长起来 。
6、I can finish this over night if I wanted to.
如果我需要的话,我会连夜赶完的 。
7、We stopped to stay over night at New York.
我们曾停留在纽约过夜 。
8、Entrees, fish, and meats at prices which would house one over night in an average hotel.
主菜、鱼和肉类菜肴的价钱可以供一个人在一般旅馆里住上一宿 。
over night

