书法名词解释书法:中国的传统艺术之一。:指有( 六 )

,like a , hence the name. Theis theedge. Thebe , , and the lower endbe thin and not . The edge of the penbe
the force has been , the skill can be seen.
: Whena, the tip of the penalong theline of the, stops at the lower end of the, and thento the tip to close the pen,
The lower end of theis round, likedown, hence the name .is the front, andbein a , , andway
The penbe dry and damp.
Stop pen:to theof using the pen down in the. Theforce of the pen isthan that of the " pen", the so- "force
who seesthe paper is ".
Pen: Also known as "War Pen". Thewhen using the pen. Using the pen toand make waves has theofthemore .
: Theisand ,and bones. Mrs. Wei of theJinsaid: "Those who are good atare , and they are not
Those who are good atare , and those who are bony arebooks. " talks aboutand bones, which means that the pen isand , such as beingYan
, Liu 'sis "Yan Jin Liu Gu".
One- book: Itto theoffromto end, such as a, so it isa one- book.to
by Zhang Zhi in the Han . Zhang Zhi'sislike a, and the whole text iswith Qi and pulse,theare, but
It's still goingto the end.
pull:to ato .Shen: "Dafan's pen is tight and , and it is made bydrag." He also said
: "To use the - , you must first beand calm, and payto the brushon the paper , and in each point of the
On the heart line,ups and downs and , so that the ink does not spill out of the , so as to be full of , just
. "("")
:to ato . Shen Yinmo said: "of the pen, most of the time is when the mood is full of joy, and there is a lot of
End, rush to the pen, theis , itthis fun,for . "And said: " drag is the , the
Stand up, thewon't be . "
wire: Also known as "silk ", "", "", " belt". Whento, due to the
To leave fine. There areas thin as silkthe , and the pen is very clean and neat,
It cananthatup and down and therun .
tail: Also known as "goose tail". Itto thefeet of the pen drawn ,like a , hence the name. Thehas "Yan does not fly
", which means that only one wavebe used in a word, and if it, thewill be the same, and the shape of the glyph will be
Loose water:known as "three-point water". Theof thison the font and .
:to theof dotsand theofandlines. Theand blank ofare
Jane, theof the knot is , and the knot is also of size, , and . When , it isandof the .
。white cloth can make words and words, lines and linesand ,the.
:are gold andon women's heads intimes. They are tough and tough. Here is afor theto turn round and round.
Force. Song 's " of the Books and Pens" said: "Zhewant theirand turns to be round and ." Qing Zhu 's "
Jie Yao said: "Awho folds theis like the fold of the, which means that theareand theis equal."
Housemarks:to theofon thehouse, here is afor the use of pento bend andlike watermarks, the pen
Tao isand . For , theandare not , butleft and right, like the waterfrom the house, which isdown.
,aslow down, so round and .to , "the house marks leak" was said by Tang(Tang Luyu's "
Huai Su and Yanon"). Song 's " of the Book: Using a Pen" says: "The leaks in the house want to beand even and .
。” Zhuof the Qingit as : “If there is a leak in the house, the place where the sky light isin the house, if you look up, theand theareand .
The image isand clear, and theis clear and clean,any. "
sand with cones:tosand with cones, theroad is , the sand on both sides is, and theare in the . Here is afor the use of the pen
Theis likesand with a cone, theis round, and the shape is like a .
pad:to the sealon thepad, which is deep and , and thewords are not out of shape. Song Huang 's "" says:
"Wang Shi's (Wang Xizhi)is like a conesand, like a seal pad. Gaihides his pen, which is meant to be in front of the pen."
sand with cones, also known as " sand andpad".
goose: that is, ahook,the shape of the hookis like a goosein the water, so it is also" goose hook".
Ink pig: It is afor the font, which is fat,and lacksand bones, like ink balls. Mrs. Wei of theJinsaid in the "Pen Array Map":

