读经风水堂:《易传》与《杂卦传》( 六 )

老公的“易” , 显过往 , 观来 , 小清幽 。
它的名字也很小 , 它的类也很大 。其目的远 , 其辞 , 其词歌居中 , 其事隐 。因二为利民 , 知失者之赏 。
【译文】“伊犁的变化是从乾坤二卦开始的 , 就像人开悟门一样 , 乾坤对面 , 应该是伊犁出来的那两扇门吧?甘是阳 , 坤是阴 , 阴阳相辅相成 , 阳刚与阴柔 , 刚柔相济 , 有一定的系统 , 以通达天地万物为基础 ,  《易经》指万物之名 , 虽繁杂 , 但不超越真理 。大概是颓废时代塑造的形象吧 , 《易经》就是为了突出过去的事迹 , 观察未来事件的演变 , 做出微妙的理据 。显而易见 , 是为了阐明宇宙的奥秘 。一打开《易经》 , 我们就可以看到 , 每一个他八卦有专名 , 世间事物的形态我们可以很清楚的分辨 , 以免混淆 , 如干妈、鲲牛 , 正确指陈吉凶之变的真谛 , 并推断文好 , 则明示吉祥 , 反之 , 则恶则明 , 无偏差 , 可说圆满 。中间提到的东西的名字看似很小 , 但探索的目的却很广泛 。它的目的很深远 , 它的文字很优雅 。所描述的事情很直白 , 放肆 , 毫不掩饰 , 但其真实性却深藏其中 。因天地对立 , 行善为善 , 作恶为恶 , 皆有教 。并帮助人们的行为 , 明辨善恶 , 虽不是善恶报 。”
这是德行的基础;谦虚 , 美德的把柄;复杂 , 美德的基础;坚韧不拔 , 美德的凝固;失 , 修德;利益 , 丰富的德行;难 , 德之别也;好 , 美德之地;巽他 , 美德系统 。
木头 , 来吧 。谦虚、恭敬、光明;复杂、小而精明的事物;恒常、杂而不腻;损失 , 先难后易;利益 , 长久但未确立;困难、贫穷和开放;好吧 , 住在它的地方并移动;巽他 , 叫和隐藏 。
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【】The rise of "Book of "in theAges, right? Theof "Book of "hadand . , what theteachto do rites, ittheofandis the .toand, towith , and to be a moral . Fu Guato get rid ofand teachto be good, which is theof . Theis to teachto beand , and it is thefor moral .is to teachtheofanger and , and it is the work of. Yi Guatoand , so that thearemore and more . Theto be inand not , and to keep the right path, which is a moral . Theteach thatis like a well,and , in order tothe level of . The Sun Gua is to teachto takeof the , and it is a moral . To be inwith , to be inwith 's , and to live inin the world are thethat wewhen we stand up and act.withwill gain theof , andwillbe more noble and . The tiny yang of theisunder theof the group, but it is notby the five yin. It canlost, andthe right and wrong of all .and theare too , which will maketired. , Only withcan we, not get tired of theof, and have aday.,anger,, andandare theof self-. It will beafter a long time to get used to it. Yi Gua intoand , long-termof their ownthe need for , so make a , in order to. In,being poor and poor, it isto hone your body and mind.the well is fixed, theis, and the sun and the moon areand . Sunda's logic, makes the best use of the , and hides it. Theis to teachto act inbased on theof . Theofis to teachto be self- withand to make their. Fu Gua is to teachto seek theofandtheir. Heng Gua is to teachto beand firm in . Theis to teachto get rid of, so as toand far from harm. Theis to teachto lose the upper and lowerandthe . Theis to teachto work hard to the end, not to blame the gods, and to be less angry than . The wellis theofto. The Sunis to teachto be in line with the times, totheir power, and to make a.

