Zeng Wenyi
Zeng Wenyi was aof Yang , Zeng Wenyi (AD 854-916),name , no. (854), died in the third year of Liangat the age of 63 (916), at the age of 63. HisZeng Defu.Wen Trent,Wen Di, Wen Yi. Zeng Gongandin his ) ,with the, 's. When he lived inin, the , he met Yang , and he wasto point out the blue bird. . Yangthe world and had noof , but Zeng Wenyito find a piece ofland todown. One day, Zeng Wenyi found thatwas a good place, and told hisYangthat he had found a " Panyu in front of him". If you live here, yourcan befor . Yangat it and saw that it was abasinbyand water. There was a long stone peak in theof the basin. There is a cool - pine tree at the back of the basin, and under the tree is a round . He told Zeng Wenyi: "This isthe place where we Kanyulive. You can see that there is atoin the front, and ato carry with you in the back.here, thewill go out withandfromto ." Yangand his twobuilt a hut in theof the basin to live in, theythe hut "Liao", and the threeandwere three It is ahut, and thecall it "" (now). Zeng Wenyi wasfrom(now Yudu), and hesince he was a child. Heto pass the.the war, he lived into study atin, and did not ask about world . Later, he met Mr. Yangandhis . , Yangthefor the .
Zeng Wenyi and Liuwere bothof Yang . Liu ,name , was also known as Qiwan, , and Liuin his later years.An old man in Ge'ao, theof the , was born in theyear ofin the Tang(AD 884). At that time, Yangtookin the south of theRiverof theNest. Luasked to bury hisfor Lu , and Liu , whoLuin the army,YangThe , then he and hisZeng WenyiYangas a , andfrom his door. Liuis the mainof Mr. Yangand one of the mainof Yang 'sand . He hasanrole in theandof Yang 's . Liu,of , goodit on. After Liu 's death, he wasin a tiger shape in the lowerof. He waswith his . The tomb is well . It is a pity that latertheof thewhenthe tomb, andhave grown on the right side of the tomb. In Liu 's , ,and other , there are still yin and yangby Liu , which are still .
Liao 's name is Yu and the word Boyu. Self- "", so laterhim Liao .to , he wasyears old and wasin the Four Books and Five , and theit "Liao Five ".
At the end of the Tang , the army was in chaos, and thewere not . Liao Yu's , Liao , was good at kanyu, and Liao Yu wasby it since he was a child, so heto the art of kanyu. When Yangwasin , , and Yudu, Liao Yu and Yangmet Yu . At first, hetoYang . Once,Liao asked Yangto set up a. Liaoused atothein , andacoin in theto mark it. After Yang, he didn't use a , but just used apole in his hand to stick it down to the , but it hit thehole in theof thecoin. LiaoYang Gong, andYang Gong as his .
Liaoused to live in , . In order toYang Gongor later, he moved with histo live in, , and laterthebook of the blue bagdown by Yang Gong . Theat the gate ofLiao'sHall, " cane is green and ,of miles ofandto the cane; the green sac, Yuan Miao, one day, star ,"this story. Liao Yu is theof " Jing", " theSong", "One Lamp" and other works that have beendown.
Lai Buyi
Thename is Lai , the word is , and the self-name is , so it is also, also known as "TheMan", ,,. Born in the reign ofof the Song(1101-1126 AD). Lai Buyi, who onceas a, wasby theQin Hui and lived in exile for a long time. Lai Buyi'shaveall over the land of the . With hisand , he hasthe poor and the poor along the way,the weak andthe ,many, and theof "Feng Shui "like . . Hong Kong, ,( , Dawan Town) and otherwere allby Lai Buyi.has it that Lai Buyi's " " was taken away by'sBai Yuan as soon as it was . After more than 100 years, it wason to Liu Bowen. There is also athat thetomb of Mr. Sun Yat-sen is alsoof Lai Buyi. Later, Lai Buyi sawthe red dust, and hid in theand ,by the greenand white , and . Lai Buyi isas one of the Four Greatof Kanyu inGansu. The "Buyi " in Lai Buyi'sisas a keyrelicunit and, and Hong Kongcome to pay theirin an. There aredown "" and so on. The Hong Kong TV drama "Lai Buyi",in 1983, is amyth drama.
先生 。Xu Yan is easy to learn
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