相亲的时候碗碗等东西被打碎了被认为是很不吉利的,说明两人错过是大忌 。破器有分、折、烂、折等表现,这些词不利于婚姻和生活,所以人们在其他庄重、正式的场合也有这个忌讳 。
晋南闻喜大婚之日,男女忌食肉和猪肉 。而河津地区则相反,大婚之日必须宰杀猪,并在牌位前祭祀先人 。同时,他们还用蘸有猪血的扫帚在洞房的墙上画了几个“十字”,寓意辟邪 。
在晋中地区,新郎去岳父家迎接新娘时,必须“偷”一个茶杯 。所谓偷,就是女人看到了也说不出来 。茶杯必须由新郎带来,并且必须全部带回来 。不得损坏 。否则,新娘和新郎的婚姻会有某种不祥的预兆 。好像说以后,新娘就应该像这个杯子一样对待,小心点,好好照顾,好好珍惜 。
在汾阳,新郎必须丢掉两个水碗而不是偷茶杯 。当地俗称,因有“偷二尊,速抱孙”之说,所以偷碗被赋予抱孙之意 。
新娘出家时,常常坐轿 。在燕北、吕梁等山区,人们常乘坐特制的“鲻鱼轿” 。坐轿时,须挂弓、箭、镜 。现在这些习俗已经逐渐消失了 。但在很多地方,妈妈们还是要给女儿一面铜镜,或者是现在新奇的镜子 。它的目的不是为了打扮,而是在路上驱邪 。
山西很多地方,在接新娘的时候,新郎往往会送一副墨镜给女方戴,这似乎是要代替以前的红布头巾 。而且新婚夫妇不要在已经走过的路上来回走动,以免有回头的嫌疑,当然也不能走送葬人走过的路 。
头巾和墨镜的作用是避免直接面对鬼魂等不祥之物 。Theteam is alsothat there will be dog ,, etc. in theof the road, and they arethat they will rush into the " cover" and, which is ansign. It will beif youit. In the ,the wife will die or thewill die, or it will be . This is what anydoes not want to see. On theday, it is also taboo to talk aboutto death and , and it is also taboo to avoid thewhen theisor sunny.thesewith the fate of .
If there are twoin a ,not be left .thesaid that he would marry later, so he did not want to put the word "later". , it is alsofor twoto meet, and if they meet , they have totheorthey wear, which is.
In theJinan area,who holdandin theat the same time are, and those who holdare. Theteamalso avoidsuch as , wells, , andon the way.
In the areas ofand , if theparty meets theon the way, it is a good sign for the, and it isand . Maybe it's all happy ,don't have this taboo, and the two sides throw steelat each other to say hello.
After the bridefrom the sedan chair,who have asignavoid it, so as not to beto . In Wutai , chefs alsointo theedge of theboard, lock the , and avoid them all. It is said that the chef is the mainof the bride'swhen she gets off the bus, and theknife is not to be shown. In , after the bride is taken to her 's house, she has toall herwith theof her -in-law. Thearenoworn back to her 's house,the shoes must never be worn back to her 's house,it will beto her 's . . This seems to be afor " ,set aside".
Eighton folkand
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