说起算命不少人都有算命的阅历,你知道吗?( 六 )

Somego toto findto marry, when theytheir . Thesaid that the man is the sea, and the woman is the fire in the .水火不相容,不能成亲 。如果他们结婚,其中一个会早逝,即使他们不早死,其中一个也会生病 。这种方法也是错误的 。从八字命理来看,念冥那音、神煞只是推命的辅助法门,并不是主命门的法门 。这种方法属于偏泛化,颠倒了优先级和次要,同样不可取 。
3、The woman's birth month was
Whenwent to the eight- , thewaswhen he saw the woman's birth month, likea ghost, Thensaid to thewho came to marry.这个月出生的人不能结婚,会杀了他们的岳父母 。不信的话,婚后三个月内,男方的父母肯定会遭殃 。such a , the goodalso . In fact,who is abitaboutknows that there are 360 ??hours in anmonth, and there are 360 ??kinds of life .在这360种生命雕像中,肯定有好有坏 。Even if they can kill their -in-law, it isfor them all to kill .单从这一点来看,这样的八字联姻也是有害的 。
4、Using theofto see ifis
【说起算命不少人都有算命的阅历,你知道吗?】 many - often use theofto see ifcan be .比如八字有四个不相配,或者有六个相配的字,就说两个相配,一个不能结婚 。In fact, thistheof the fiveand the five , and it is not .

