
How to read - on theday of theday? Must-read books for self-study ? A must-read book for self- !
—— Xie Yongthe
Forof Mr. Xie Yong's data, thenamedBazi, Mr. Xie Yong,years ofonand name , as well astheofand, is truly theof the Fiveand Eight .who arewith "name ", so if you havewho need totheir names, you canXie;
(1)Mr. Xie Yong: How to tell the - of thefrom the
With theof the level of easy , we found that there are fewer and fewerbooks, and there is even athat fake books andbooks arethe .,
Buthave no way to start, the more you look, the moreyou are. what ?but three:
The 一.for each book are too high, and Iwant to learn a lot in each book. There are not many good books sincetimes. A book with a fewor even a fewis .
No. 二. I don’t know what Ineed, that is, I don’t have a cleargoal.a wide range of . I have to makeone by one.must be . Youris too big, what? They all want to learn, but they don’t focus, and in the end they’re not good at . It’s no, let aloneabout the lack of good books.
The first 三. can'tthe theme of the book you're . When you get a book, you have towhich level itto. , it isto enter the state of , and it istotheof the book. Many times, the heart isdry, or the brain is . This is thewhy manycan't" " and " ".
So howwe read books? How to getfrom each book? This is a topic that mostwho learnbybooks care about.
In fact,is an art. If you want to gain a lot from it, intoa good, first of all, you must know what you need most, so that you can read booksand ; You must also have thetowhich level each bookto, so that you canyourand . Only in this way will youa sober , with goals, , good , and. Be the trueof each book and, by doing so, make use of theofto be your own.
(2)Mr. Xie Yong: Threeof life
在上一篇文章中已经提到:紫屏明学是研究天道、地道、人道 , 或者说是道家、法律、艺术三个层次 , 通过操作方法进行具体的预测 。图案、局和形象 , 所以它是真实的 。邮编生命科学一定要讲究格局 。
知道了紫屏明学的三个层次 , 那么学习就会轻松很多 。无论你达到什么级别 , 你都可以选择读哪个级别 , 达到哪个级别 , 你可以研究那个级别的精髓 。若能做到此读书 , 人书合一 , 容易引起共鸣八字命理的好书八字命理的好书 , 往往会有:三日相离 , 敬仰之效 。
When you have this kind of, not only will you learn very , but you will also find that there are no waste books and fake books on the . Yes, there are noin this world, onlyin the wrong place. If you want to learn theof theor the game, and all you arefor are books that talk about "shu", that is, , then it is abook on "shu", and it is also a fake book for you.
On the , if you only want to learn , then "Drip " and " " are also like waste paper to you. Thethe new , the blind , the, and theis not born in this way. ? When atheof other sects from his ownpoint of view, of , he will think thatelse is wrong, which isthe : the wind,andare not , or it is said that theare not . In fact, there are manyof -, and there is no set .
(3) Xie Yong talks: Three types ofwho write books
There arethree types ofwho write books: those who havethe Tao, those who havethe , and those who have the arts.
1. the
learn the Dao of , the Dao of the Earth, and the Dao of , that is, thein the study of life. A trulythe Dao,the Dao, and fears the Dao. He knows that theofbe , and those who leak will beby God. There will not be many works left , even if the books are left, they will not pass on the . They will only point out thefor, and will notthe . It is like a monk who has thetothe fate of , but it will never be easy. Toand addtowill only point you to theof your . I think the partby Xuinand Dito such books.

