【in witness thereof这个词组到底是什么意思?】以昭信守;鉴此例句释义:全部,以昭信守,鉴此1.This Contract is made out in two original copies, one copy to be held by eachparty in witness thereof.本合同一式两份,买卖双方各执一份为证 。2.In witness thereof, this contract is signed by both Parties in two originalcopies; each Party shall keep one copy.本合同一式两份,双方签字划押,各执一份,特此证明 。3.In witness thereof, the parties have signed and sealed below to accept andapprove all terms and conditions contained in this Contract.2双方接受并同意本合同所有条款和条件,均已签字盖章,特此证明 。
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