我们每个人都生活在由各种场(如引力场、电场、磁场、信息场和灵气场等)组成的地球上,尽管它不断受到来自各个方面的外部因素的影响(如各种光线、重力、信息等),然而,人们最直观、最真实感受到的,无疑是来自四面八方的风,也就是八风 。众所周知,我们的家园地球的表面被大气()所包围 。这种气氛既是生命所必需的,又为地面上的生命提供了良好的保护 。风作为地球上的一种自然现象,是由太阳辐射热引起的空气相对于地面的水平运动,所以风能是太阳能的一种转化形式 。太阳能是内部氢原子聚变释放巨大核能所产生的能量,即来自太阳的辐射能 。As aair flow, theof wind is that it is , , and . Itin the world,human . Theof windin space is not four or eight, that is,andwind pluswind,wind,wind andwind.of theseof wind and itson ,has thethat "wind blowsand moves" and "wind is theof all ". "The eight windsfromand earth, and the five winds of the human bodyto cause ." "There are eight winds in the sky, and there are five winds in the . ' it onlyon the plane, in fact, it also takes intothespace and is . The earth is a. The so- front, back, left, right, up, and down are just human , that is, theof thebyin atime is .
【组图 PAGEPAGE2浅议玄学之科学解释简介】, 'four eight' and 'five six' have the same . Allcan alsotheof anand itswith other . Fieldthat eachwith the field at its own .theof the fieldon theandof theas a whole, the field canwith each . From this point of view, ourwereby the eight winds (eightand eight poles) tothe eight , and based on this, theysixty-four , a total of threeand -four lines, to cover the .一切 。The Eightand the Fivehave the sameand the same . Thethe two is that dry and dui are gold, Xun and Zhen are wood, Kan is water, Li is fire, and Kun and Gen are earth. ('s: E-MAIL: 139.COM; ) Main : Zhu : "Laozi",byBook , the firstin1984. Jin , Lv : "of ", the firstof JilinPress, June 1989. Zhang : "The'sof.", the firstofandPress,2008. Chen : "The Fourof the", the firstof June 2007 by thePress. Chang : " to theYin Fu Jing", the firstof theandHouse in June 2011.(), Zhao(): "A Briefof the ", YilinHouse, May 2012, first .(), Xu , Wu(): "A Briefof Time", HunanandPress,2002. Luo Zhixi: " and ", the firstof thePress,2010.
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