艺术“2022 潮酷玩家” 先锋代言人 | 街头艺术家Tlight:从街头出发书写文化( 四 )

Tlight:其实在街头涂鸦文化发展的位面上谈 , 后现代艺术通篇都是反传统 , 反精英主义的 , 这种反叛精神在我看来是一种不断挑战权威不断突破形式主义限制的创造力文化 。 涂鸦艺术只是其中的很小的一部分 , 而我能做的其实就是在学习中创新 , 也尝试了蛮多/装置/影像/公共艺术等等表达方式 , 始终诉说的是一种(未来主义形式下跨越时间 , 且不可调和的社会矛盾) 。 或许这有一些悲观 , 但也正是我想表达的 。 对于国内的街头艺术风格发展可谓还在整体追赶西方的一个方向上 , 拥有大多数风格都是在不断探索不断迭代的趋势下呈现 。
Tlight:In fact, in terms of the development of street graffiti culture and postmodern art is anti-traditional and anti-elitism throughout. In my opinion, this kind of rebellious spirit is the power of creation and the core of street culture that constantly challenges authority and constantly breaks through the limits of formalism. Graffiti art is only a very small part of it, and what I can do is to innovate from learning, and I have also tried a lot of expressions such as installations, visual art , and public art. What I always tell is a irreconcilable social conflicts under the form of futurism that span time. Maybe this is a bit pessimistic, but it is exactly what I want to express. For the development of domestic street art styles, it can be said that they are still catching up with the West as a whole. Most of the styles are presented under the trend of continuous exploration and iteration.

艺术“2022 潮酷玩家” 先锋代言人 | 街头艺术家Tlight:从街头出发书写文化
?Tlight , 涂鸦艺术作品
AFI:年轻艺术家越发勇于采取包括街头的多元创作形式 , 对于多媒体及数字工具的应用也越为普遍;你对街头文化与数字艺术的发展有何看法?是冲突抵触 , 是多元融合?对后进的艺术家有何提醒与寄语?
AFI:Young artists have become more courageous in adopting multiple creative forms that include the street arts, and the application with multimedia and digital tools has become more common; what is your opinion on the development of street culture and digital art? Is it conflict and resistant to each ther, or can it be merging art with diversity? Any reminders and messages for the upcoming artists?
Tlight:艺术风格的边界是不断融合与革新的 , 在日新月异的技术创作手法中 , 寻找合适自己的方向才是重要的 , 唯有不断摸索不断创新 , 才能在新的领域开拓出更高的维度 。 工具也只是工具 , 这也道与术的因果论而已 。 对新事物保持好奇 , 好奇心驱使下的热情会探索出更多的精彩世界 。
Tlight:The boundaries of artistic style are constantly fused and innovated. In the ever-changing technical creation methods, it is important to find the right direction for oneself. Only by constantly exploring and innovating can lift us up to a higher level . Tools are just tools, and this is also the causality as Chines terms of “Tao” and “Shu”, in terms of Creation and Tools. Be curious about new things, and the passion driven by curiosity will explore more wonderful worlds.

AFI × Tlight
AFI × Tlight《顽型填空-失乐园》联名潮玩
即将首发 , 敬请期待~~

艺术“2022 潮酷玩家” 先锋代言人 | 街头艺术家Tlight:从街头出发书写文化
AFI × Tlight《顽型填空-失乐园》联名潮玩

Tlight , 涂鸦艺术家/新媒体视觉艺术/3D动画艺术 , AST团队核心成员 , 受邀欧美亚洲国际潮流展会与街头艺术表演 , 接受芭莎艺术媒体等国内外媒体采访报道、参与Dior、NIKE、DR.MARTENS、VANS、INXX、LOTS、Wassup、STA、CCTV等国际品牌跨界合作 。

