艺术“2022 潮酷玩家” 先锋代言人 | 街头艺术家Tlight:从街头出发书写文化

艺术“2022 潮酷玩家” 先锋代言人 | 街头艺术家Tlight:从街头出发书写文化

一个用街头艺术释放能量、作品里却看不到狂暴咆哮般的高调风格;追求不拘泥教条约束、暗夜涂鸦、随手取材街头物品创作的艺术家 , Tlight , 在《“2022 潮酷玩家“潮流艺术先锋艺术季·成都》 , 全球首次发布装置艺术作品「顽型填空-失乐园」 , 乍看之下的强烈街头叛逆风格下 , 深藏着浓浓的人文情怀 , 以全球首创结合涂鸦字体与潮玩化装置艺术的创意设计 , 为传统认知的街头艺术 , 做了一个全新的阐释与深度解读 。
Tlight, an artist who uses street art to release energy, but there is no the violent roaring and high-profile style in his work as traditional street artwork; although who still pursues non-dogmatic constraints, dark night graffiti, and casual creation with objects from street. In the《 "2022 Cool Player" Art & Fashion Pioneer Jam Chengdu》, Tlight releases the installation artwork 「Stubborn Fill in the Blanks-Paradise Lost」 ,the first time in the world. Under the strong street rebellious style at first glance, there is a deep humanistic sentiment hidden in this installation that combines graffiti fonts and trendy playfulness. The creative design of art has made a brand-new interpretation and in-depth interpretation of traditional street art.
AFI 以Q&A 采访的形式 , 深度访谈合作的艺术家Tlight , 从「顽型填空-失乐园」的作品 , 直探 Tlight 的内心与对街头艺术的深层解读 。 从街头艺术家穿梭街头巷弄、躲避警察驱赶、群众异样眼光下留下的城市印记历史 , 到成为当代潮流艺术的主流发展过程 , 甚至到迅速崛起的数字与多媒体艺术趋势中 , 本身已在多媒体及数字动画领域里领跑多年的 Tlight, 将分享他对街头艺术的观点与未来的期许 。
In the form of Q&A interviews, AFI conducted in-depth interviews with the contracted artist Tlight, and explored Tlight's creation and in-depth interpretation of street art from the works of 「Stubborn Fill in the Blanks-Paradise Lost」. From the time while street artists sneaked in the streets, avoiding the police and leaving the history imprint by graffiti, which has become the mainstream of contemporary art. Tlight, as a street artist, has also devoted himself into the rapidly rising trend of digital and multimedia art for many years, will share his views on street art and his future expectations of art.

艺术“2022 潮酷玩家” 先锋代言人 | 街头艺术家Tlight:从街头出发书写文化
街头艺术家 Tlight
AFI:从你这次在“2022 潮酷玩家”潮流先锋艺术季 , 推出你首次发表的装置艺术作品「顽型填空-失乐园」 , 似乎有别于一般街头艺术家给人狂妄不羁、我行我素的创作风格 , 请你用最直接、不修饰的话语介绍下这个作品?
AFI:From this time, you launched your first installation artwork 「Stubborn Fill in the Blanks-Paradise Lost」 in the exhibition of the "2022 Cool Players" Art & Fashion Pioneer Jam”, it seems more touchy and emotional, not the rebellious style as we learn about the street art, would you please introduce this extraordinary artwork you created with your own words?
Tlight:其实这个系列作品映射了我自身的成长经历 , 剖析了我儿时被管控的家庭环境与现在涂鸦人的生活状态呼应 , 来自街头的字体异化成被丢弃的玩具 , 肮脏的街道与破碎的童年联系在一起 , 通过整体场景创作来映射我的儿时回忆 。 期望表达出家庭教育的环境中 , 父母的越界管理是否尊重孩子的想法 , 是否通过更合理的教育方式来关心孩子 。 同时也引出大众对于街头涂鸦的思考与尊重:是否以一种陈旧的 , 禁锢的眼光 , 仅仅在关注街头涂鸦的合法性与艺术的有效性上 , 而不去关注更多的作品内在的人文主义精神 。

