艺术“2022 潮酷玩家” 先锋代言人 | 街头艺术家Tlight:从街头出发书写文化( 二 )

Tlight:In fact, this series of artworks mirrors my own growth experience, detailing the family environment that I was monitored and dominated during my childhood, and my current conditions as a graffiti player. The graffiti artwork from the streets are turning into discarded toys、dirty streets and broken piece of my childhood memories are linked together and mapped through the overall scene I created in "Stubborn Fill in the Blanks-Paradise Lost". It is hoped to express whether parents’ overeducated management respects children’s free will and their own ideas of growth? Whether do parents care for their children through more reasonable ways? At the same time, it also elicits the public's viewpoints and perspectives to street graffiti: whether publics are used to an old、imprisoned vision with only the focus on legality and artistic effectiveness instead of paying more attention to the humanism and spiritual creation inherent in more artworks of street graffiti.

艺术“2022 潮酷玩家” 先锋代言人 | 街头艺术家Tlight:从街头出发书写文化
“2022 潮酷玩家” 潮流先锋艺术节·成都》展览现场艺术家Tlight , 展出装置作品《顽型填空-失乐园》
AFI:「顽型填空-失乐园」中的创作焦点 , 木马 , 是由不同造型独特的字版拼成 , 而各字板排列而成的竟是一幅涂鸦字体作品 , 从传统涂鸦字体的刚强线条 , 和童稚可爱的木马 , 相互辉映 , 从涂鸦字体到装置艺术 , 创意源自街头 , 或从街头孕育而成?
AFI:The focus of creation in "Fill in the Blanks-Paradise Lost" is the Rocking Horse, which is composed of different shapes and unique fonts, and the composition of these fonts is actually a graffiti artwork. From the sharp shape and straight line of traditional graffiti fonts, turning into childish and cute rocking horses reveals an extraordinary creation. From graffiti fonts to installation art, is this creativity originates from street art, or is it nurtured from your own street experience?
Tlight:其实创作的基点来自的自身街头涂鸦人的身份出发 , 这种文化本身就是来自街头的精神 , 街头涂鸦一种公共空间的私人表达 , 一直在诉说着权利不对等的社会结构关系 , 以我象征性的标志符号语言书写组合成这部分装置的主体 , 其中囊括了隐秘的符号在街头巷尾出现 , 在街头书写冲突与荒诞的故事 。
Tlight:In fact, the basis of this creation stands by the identity as graffiti player himself , the expression of this artwork comes from the culture and the spirit of the street. Street graffiti is a private expression in public space. It has been telling the unequal rights existing in social structure and interactive relationship. I write and combine it into the main body of this installation artwork with my own symbolic language of signs. It includes hidden symbols that appear in the streets and alleys, writing the conflict and absurd stories on streets.

艺术“2022 潮酷玩家” 先锋代言人 | 街头艺术家Tlight:从街头出发书写文化

AFI:一般人对涂鸦写手和街头艺术家都有充满叛逆、挑战体制、强烈自我意识的既有印象 , 从「顽型填空-失乐园」中 , 表现极深的人文与情感投射 , 你认为这正是街头艺术更能表达情绪情感的特点?还是 , 这作品只是特例?
AFI:Most people have the impression that graffiti writers and street artists are rebellious, and the challengers to authority and system with strong self-awareness. From the 「stubborn fill in the blanks-paradise lost」, it expresses a very deep humanistic and emotional projection. Do you think this is very “street style”? Is street art more capable of expressing such emotions and feelings? Or is this work just a special case?
Tlight:我认为目前未来更多的艺术形式是不断打破边界 , 创新迭代的趋势 , 我追求的本身就是需要通过我的作品 , 运用我的风格与表现手法 , 把观众和我时情感桥梁连接在一起 。 这些感情包括/失落 兴奋 无助 焦虑等等/ 体会一种跨越时间的情感矛盾 。

