艺术“2022 潮酷玩家” 先锋代言人 | 街头艺术家Tlight:从街头出发书写文化( 三 )
Tlight:I think that more art forms in the future will continue to break boundaries of art, and innovate and iterate more without limitation. What I pursue is to use my style and expressive techniques through my works to connect the audience and the emotion back to the time while I created. These feeling and emotion including the loss, excitement, helplessness, anxiety… etc. can reveal and help audience experience a kind of emotional conflict over time.
Tlight:这正是我追求的艺术方向 , 我只是运用自身街头涂鸦人的身份去表达 , 个人比较欣赏的几位街头艺术家 BANKSY / Shepard Fairey / FUTURA 都有各自不同的深层次艺术内涵 , 这才是真正的街头精神口粮 。 从街头出发书写文化 。
Tlight:This is the artistic direction I am pursuing. I just use my identity as a graffiti artist to express what it should be. The several street artists that I personally appreciate, BANKSY、Shepard Fairey、 FUTURA, have their own different deep-level artistic connotations. This is what the real street spiritual food for thought --
《“2022 潮酷玩家” 潮流先锋艺术节·成都》展览现场艺术家Tlight , 展出装置作品《顽型填空-失乐园》
AFI:源于美东社会底层的街头艺术 , 和美西和物质消费主义的风格明显有别;和欧洲以街头艺术善于表达对社会现状的反思与戏虐嘲讽;你觉得你自己的艺术风格为何?对于国内街头艺术的风格发展又有何看法?
AFI:Street art originating from the bottom society of the East coast of the US is obviously different from the street art with materialism consumerism styles in West coast of the US. European street art focus more on expressing the social status quo in a mockery way; what do you think of your own artistic style? What are your views on the development of domestic street art styles?
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