
【谁得我一个英语日记,是写季节的运动事情】季节与运动 In many parts of the world, there are four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter. I360问答n the U.S., there are only three: football, basketball and baseball. That's not comple流义你号做又罗皇查衡tely true, but almost. In every season, Americans have a ball. If you want to know 家企what season it is, just look at what people 春are playing. For many Americans, sports do 海冲板要新力满not just occ结即海城upy the si轻菜弱章标红食职delines. They 鲁金故调依玉免日take center court. 世界上的许多地方起,一年有四季:春、夏、秋、远艺即讨阳掌冬 。美国,却只有三季:足球、篮球和棒球季 。这并非完全研国包正确,但也差得不远了 。每一个季节,美国人同抓凯装划都有乐趣 。若你想知道此只兰厚须玉你诗赶又提季为何,看看人们正在打什么球就行了 。对于多数美国人而言,运动并非只是一旁站的小消遣,它是生活中很重要的一环 。Besides the big three sports, Americans pl依置怕够朝宁蒸答准ay a variety of other sports尔微. In warm weather, 套people enjoy water sports. Lovers of surfing, sailing and scuba diving flock to the ocean. Swimmer王备专士年味s and water skiers also revel in the wet stuff. Fishermen try their luck in ponds, lakes an裂齐扩d rivers. In winter sportsmen delight in freezing fun. From 愿易吸跳the first snowfall, skiers hit the slopes. Frozen ponds and ice rinks become playgrounds for skating and hockey. People play indoor sports whatever the weather. Racquetball, weightlifting and bowling are year-round activities. 除了这「三大运动」,美国人还做许多其它的运动 。天热时,他们喜欢水上运动 。冲浪、驾帆船和潜水的爱好者群集于海中 。游泳和滑水者,也纵情于水中 。渔夫在池塘、湖泊和河川里试他们的运气 。冬季,运动员在冰天雪地里也玩得很开心 。从下雪的头一天起,滑雪者便登上雪坡 。结了冰的池塘和溜冰场成了溜冰和冰上曲棍球的场地 。不论气候如何,人们都从事户内运动 。回力球、举重和保龄球都是全年性的活动 。For many people in the U.S., sports are not just for fun. They're almost a religion. Thousands of sports fans buy expensive tickets to watch their favorite teams and athletes play in person. Other fans watch the games at home, glued to their TV sets. The most devoted sports buffs never miss a game. Many a wife becomes a sports widow during her husband's favorite season. America's devotion to athletics has created a new class of wealthy people: professional athletes. Sports stars often receive million-dollar salaries. Some even make big money appearing in advertisements for soft drinks, shoes and even toiletries. 对许多的美国人而言,运动不只是为了好玩 。它几乎成了一种宗教崇拜,数以千计的运动迷会为了能亲眼目睹他们喜爱的球队或运动员比赛而出高价购买门票 。其它的球迷则守在家里寸步不离地收看电视转播 。那些最热衷的运动迷 ,从不错过任何一场比赛 。而当先生们最热衷的运动季节到了的时候,他们的太太们都变成了「运动寡妇」 。美国人对于运动的投入形成了一个新的富有阶级:职业运动员 。运动明星通常会收到上百万元的薪水 。其中有些人甚至是因为替饮料、鞋,甚至个人化妆用品拍广告而赚了一大笔钱 。Not all Americans worship sports, but athletics are an important part of their culture. Throughout their school life, Americans learn to play many sports. All students take physical education classes in school. Some try out for the school teams, while others join intramural sports leagues. Athletic events at universities attract scores of fans and benefit the whole community. Many people also enjoy non-competitive activities like hiking, biking, horseback riding, camping or hunting. To communicate with American sports nuts, it helps if you can talk sports. 并非所有的美国人都崇拜运动,但运动的确是他们文化当中极为重要的一部份 。在他们的学校生活当中,美国人学习许多运动 。所有的学生都必须在学校修体育课 。有些人参加校队的选拔;有的则加入校内的运动联盟 。在大学中举办的运动比赛通常吸引众多的运动迷,并且造福整个社区 。许多人也喜欢从事一些非竞争性的活动像健行、骑单车、骑马、露营或打猎 。要和美国运动迷沟通,最好是能畅谈运动 。

