circuit carriers 怎么翻译

这一标准适用于所有组件安装在汽车电器电路母/电子系统. 他们可能制造的过程如下:
/ ?s??k?t; ˋs?k?t/ n
line, route or journey round a place 围绕一地方的线、 路线或旅程; 周线; 圈: The circuit of the city walls is three miles. 环绕本市城墙的周长是三英里. * The earth takes a year to make a circuit of (ie go round) the sun. 地球绕太阳一周需要一年时间. * She ran four circuits of the track. 她在跑道上跑了四圈.
(a) complete path along which an electric current flows 电路: There must be a break in the circuit. 电路中一定有断路. (b) apparatus with a sequence of conductors, valves, etc, through which an electric current flows 电器装置: [attrib 作定语] a circuit diagram, ie one showing the connections in such an apparatus 电路图.
(a) regular journey made by a judge round a particular area to hear cases in court 巡回审判(法官定期巡回某地区): go on circuit, ie make this journey 进行巡回审判 * [attrib 作定语] a circuit judge 巡回法官. (b) area covered by such a journey 巡回审判地区.
(in sport) series of tournaments in which the same players regularly take part 联赛: the American golf circuit 美国高尔夫球联赛.
group of Methodist churches sharing the same preachers within a particular area (在某地区有同一批传教士的)卫理公会组织.
# `circuit-breaker n automatic device for interrupting an electric current 断路器(自动切断电路的装置).
`circuit training method of training using a series of different athletic exercises 循环训练法(用一系列体育项目锻炼的方法).
/ ?k?r??(r); ˋk?r??/ n
person or thing that carries sth 运送某物的人或物.
person or company that carries goods or people for payment 运货人; 货运公司; 客运公司: Your carrier for this flight is British Airways. 你的这一班机是英国航空公司的飞机.
(usu metal) framework fixed to a bicycle, etc for carrying luggage or a small child (自行车等的)行李架: strap a parcel to the carrier 把包裹捆到行李架上.
person or animal that can transmit a disease to others without suffering from it 带菌者(可传染疾病而本身不受感染的人或动物); 传染病的媒介: Mosquitoes are carriers of malaria. 蚊子是疟疾的传播媒介. Cf 参看 vector 2.
= aircraft-carrier (aircraft).
= carrierbag.
# `carrier bag (Brit) paper or plastic bag for carrying shopping (装载所购商品的)纸袋或塑料袋.
`carrier pigeon pigeon trained to carry messages tied to its leg or neck 信鸽.
【circuit carriers 怎么翻译】故circuit carriers 是运程路线的意思.

