
Hello. *英语中接电话的人先说“Hello” 。
Hello. (喂!)
Oh, hello. Is Mark there? (喂接电话英文,马克在吗?)
对接电话英文,我就是 。
Speaking. *对方要找的刚好是自己,就以这句“我就是”回答 。
This is he. *女性用“This is she” 。
This is Mr. Smith speaking. (对,我是Simth 。)
This is. *有点儿生硬的感觉 。
是我呀 。
It\'s me. *常用于像夫妻间关系非常亲密的场合 。
ABC商务学院 。您有什么事?
ABC Business College, may I help you? *公司等工作场所接电话时的一般对答方式 。个人家庭接电话时只需说“Hello” 。
Thank you for calling ABC Business College.
Can I help you?
Who\'s calling, please?
Who\'s speaking, please?
Who is this, please?
May I ask who\'s calling?
Who should I say is calling?
Who in particular would you like to talk to? *in particular“特别”、“尤其” 。
他一直在等您的电话 。
He\'s been expecting your call. * He\'s是He has的省略形式 。Expect“抱有希望地等待” 。
Which Linda do you want to talk to?
这儿有三位Linda 。
There are three Linda here.
Would you mind calling back later?
Could you call back later?
请转103 。
Extension 103, please. *extension“延长”,在这里表示“分机电话” 。
May I have extension 103?
Could I have extension number 103?
Please connect me with extension 103.
Would you transfer this call to extension 103?
我给您接103分机 。
I\'ll connect you to extension 103.
I\'m transferring your call to extension 103.
请稍等一下 。
Hold on, please. *hold on“等待” 。
May I speak to Mr. Smith? (请找史密斯先生 。)
Hold on, please. (请稍等 。)
One moment, please.
Just a moment, please.
Hold the line, please.
Just a second, please.
我让他接电话 。
I\'ll put him on. * put...on“让……接电话” 。
I\'ll connect you. (把电话转接给你 。) *connect“连接” 。
我把电话给您接过去 。
I\'ll transfer your call.
I\'ll put you through.
我把电话转给负责人 。
I\'ll get your party for you. *party 不是“聚会”而是指接电话的对象 。
Let me transfer this call for you.
I\'m transferring your call to the person in charge.
我把您的电话接到营业部去 。
I\'m transferring your call to the sales department.
是贝克打来的,请接1号线 。
Mr. Peck is on line one.
Mr. Peck for you. He\'s on line one.
Pick up line one. It\'s Mr. Peck.
ABC公司米兰先生的电话 。
You have a call from Mr. Miller of ABC.
There\'s a call from Mr. Miller of ABC.
Mr. Miller of ABC is on the line.
您要找的人来接电话了 。
Your party is on the line. *通过电话交换台的接线员时,接线员接通电话后常用的表达方式 。
Your party is on the line. (您要找的人来接电话了 。)
【打电话有几种英文表达方式】Thank you. (谢谢 。)

